1668330201 Its important but I find it difficult to talk about

It’s important, but I find it difficult to talk about it

During the semifinals of Tu Si Que Vales, Gerry Scotti fondly remembered Piero Sonaglia, the program’s historical study assistant, who passed away on April 2nd. “You haven’t heard me call Piero this year. It’s a thought I’ve kept inside,” said the judge and conductor.

Its important but I find it difficult to talk about

In the semifinals of Tu Si Que Valleys, Gerry Scotti he wanted to remember Piero Sonaglia, historical study assistant, always present in the programs of Fascino di Maria De Filippi, from the same Tu si Que Vales to men and women, who died on April 2nd.

Gerry Scotti remembers Piero Sonaglia in Tu Si Que Vales semifinals

The judge and the conductor were waiting to dedicate the semifinals of the program thought of Piero Sonaglia, historical face in the family of Tu si Que Vales and also in several other Maria De Filippi shows. At the end of the episode, Gerry Scotti took center stage for a moment dedicated to him, who died on April 2 appears to have been crushed after a football game. The conductor said: “From the very first episode I have to say something important“It’s a little hard for me to say, too.” He then stopped for them emotionto the applause of the audience and the other judges. You didn’t hear me call Piero this year. It’s a thought I’ve kept inside, it’s a round of applause that goes out to everyone who loved him,” he continued.

The words of Maria De Filippi

On the same day as Piero Sonaglia’s death, Maria De Filippi wanted say goodbye with great affection about a common place on the side of men and women. For the moderator it was a landmarka person with whom he shared much of his work:

“Who are you?”, Francesco Totti’s first time on Mediaset for Ilary Blasi, revealed by Gerry Scotti

It really hurts Your voice, your face, your attentive gaze, your way of being there, your ability to listen. Always striving to do the right thing. i started with you I have always lived my work with you, with your smile and your strong shoulders, ready to put your team and myself first, always safe and sound in port. In the right way, for everyone. And every time I’m in the studio I won’t stop seeking your gaze, certain that I’ll find you, that as always, you’ll understand me in a second, certain that you’ll give your thumbs up going to tell me all this is good. I loved you, I love you and I will always love you