1673926653 Its not the arena Emanuela Orlandi on TV before her

It’s not the arena, Emanuela Orlandi on TV before her disappearance: the images

Its not the arena Emanuela Orlandi on TV before her

Massimo Gilettiin the last episode of Non è l’arena on January 15, on La7, broadcasts the exclusive pictures from Emmanuel Orlandi a month before the disappearance in the tandem broadcast, Frizzi’s program on Rai. “Now there will be new investigations in Parliament,” explains the conductor.

Frances ChaoquiFormer member of the Vatican Commission for Transparency (Cosea), already involved in the Vatileaks case, comments in the studio: “I see no connection between the death of Pope Ratzinger and the reopening of the investigation, they are two different things, they are completely separate” .

Here are the images of Emanuela Orlandi sent by Giletti on Non è l’arena

An accident?.  Death of Ratzinger and Orlandi, the cruel suspicion of Purgatori

“I expect clarity once and for all. I hope that now there is maximum cooperation between the Italian State and the Vatican. Are we getting closer to the truth?” he said Pietro Orlandi, brother of Emanuela, during the sit-in on Saturday January 14, a few steps from St. Peter’s Basilica, in memory of the young woman who died on June 22, 1983. “There were times when I banged my head against the wall because nobody was listening to me. Now I see that it is an important attention from the Vatican State because it has given it attention of the Italian state. Maybe we understood that it’s not just about a girl’s disappearance, which is serious, it’s about everything What’s nearby to this disappearance.” And again: “There is a lot to understand, the Italian state must, in my opinion, launch an investigation, also because of the role that the apparatuses have, also not always clear, I’m talking about the Sisde and Sismi“.

Very close to Francesco.  Sensational: Orlandi, because they are reopening the case