Its sad for Latin America the contrasting reactions of heads

“It’s sad for Latin America”: the contrasting reactions of heads of state to the new Argentine president Milei

While many like Paraguay have praised the “exemplary” conduct of the elections, the election of the ultra-liberal and anti-system Javier Milei is dividing South America.

International reactions are multiplying following the victory of the ultra-liberal and anti-system candidate Javier Milei, elected this Sunday, November 19, with 56% of the vote. To say they are opposites is an understatement, as the TV star, who only entered politics a few years ago, is so divisive.

“I wish the new government good luck and success,” said only his neighbor, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. He did not mention him by name in his congratulatory message broadcast on Former Brazilian far-right President Jair Bolsonaro was much more enthusiastic than his successor, saying that with the election of Javier Milei “hope shines again.” He added that he hopes “fair winds reach the United States and Brazil” so that “honesty, progress and freedom return.”

Trump support

Former US President Donald Trump was also happy about his victory: “I am very proud of you. “You will change your country and make Argentina great again,” he wrote on his network Truth Social – before the official results were published.

Seeing the glass half full, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken believes that this election is a “testament” to the solidity of “Argentine’s electoral and democratic institutions” and welcomes “the strong participation and peaceful vote.” He added that the United States “looks forward to working with President-elect Milei and his administration on shared priorities.”

Chile wishes you all the best

Chilean President Gabriel Boric praised “Javier Milei for his victory and Sergio Massa for properly recognizing his defeat.” “I wish the Argentine people all the best and I know that you will always have our respect and support. As President of Chile, I will work tirelessly to keep our sister nations united,” the left-wing president said in his congratulatory message.

Colombia’s reserves

“The extreme right won in Argentina, it was the decision of their society. “It’s sad for Latin America and we’ll see,” complained Colombian President Gustavo Petro of the radical left. However, he congratulated Javier Milei and promised that “the relations between Colombia and Argentina, the ties between their peoples, will be maintained in mutual respect.” “We expect from Argentine progressivism the assessments that will allow the Latin American peoples to learn the lessons of history.”

For his part, the left-wing Chilean President Gabriel Boric praised “Javier Milei for his victory and Sergio Massa for properly recognizing his defeat.” “I wish the Argentine people all the best and I know that you will always have our respect and support. As President of Chile, I will work tirelessly to keep our sister nations united,” he added.

The “warm hand” of Paraguay

“On behalf of the Paraguayan people, I greet the brotherly people of Argentina for this exemplary election day,” said Paraguay’s conservative President Santiago Peña. “I congratulate Javier Milei on his victory and extend the warm and fraternal hand to Paraguay to strengthen the relations between our countries. Greetings to the great Argentine people,” the economist added.

China wants to expand trade relations

China on Monday congratulated Javier Milei on his election as Argentina’s president and said it wanted to further expand trade ties between the two countries, which the ultra-liberal candidate said he wanted to end. Beijing wants to “work with Argentina to continue the friendship” between the two countries and “win-win cooperation,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning told the press.

“China has always attached great importance to the development of China-Argentina relations from a strategic and long-term perspective,” she stressed. “The development of China-Argentina relations has become the subject of a general consensus in the society of both countries and has brought tangible benefits to the two peoples,” the spokesman said.

Russia supports

Russian Ambassador to Argentina Dmitry Feoktistov said that “the future government still has a lot to do to overcome social and economic problems,” according to state agency Tass. Mr. Feoktistov also said he hoped “adherence to multipolarity, independent foreign policy and consistent protection of national interests will continue.”

The skeptical European Union

European Council President Charles Michel on Monday sent his “congratulations” to Javier Milei on his election as Argentine president and called for continued cooperation between the EU and the South American country, a “close partner”. “The Argentine people have spoken in free and democratic elections (…). “I thank (current President) Alberto Fernandez for the excellent cooperation over the years and look forward to continuing this cooperation for the benefit of our people,” he said on X (formerly Twitter).

Congratulations from India

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday congratulated Javier Milei on his election as president of Argentina, a country with which New Delhi had trade worth nearly $6.4 billion last year. “I look forward to working closely with you to diversify and expand the India-Argentina strategic partnership,” Mr Modi wrote on social media

According to the Indian government, India is Argentina’s fourth largest trading partner, with trade peaking last year (+12%).