It39s still lunchtime Clerici39s lie has now been leaked It

It's still lunchtime, Clerici's lie has now been leaked: It doesn't work the way you think it does iFood

Clergy lie Antonella Clerici – ifood (Instagram photo)

A It is always midday, a lie is being committed that only a few are aware of. And what looks like it doesn't work the way Clerici would have you believe.

From 2020 Antonella Clerici is back at the helm of a cooking show that accompanies its audience towards midday. After over 20 years The cooking testand a short break, the presenter leaves It's always midday.

There is no denying his greatness. And although she had said in the past that she would stop being on TV at 50, as she was reminded Republic, She replies, “It’s true. The truth is that people like me, Conti, Bonolis, Amadeus, Fiorello are still in high demand and we still have a lot to give. Young colleagues are good, but they work on television, on platforms, in social media, in the theater… Not us, we are the last stars of general television and we are loyal to the jersey, so we are a point of reference for the adult audience “.

And that's exactly how it is; with its sincerity and simplicity Clergy He has built a relationship of trust with his audience and always speaks about himself unfiltered. And he always supported it.

Still, he lied. And it has to do with his program. Let's find out what it is.

It's always midday: the lie

Antonella ClericShe's back in top form and leading one of the most popular and watched cooking shows. Is always Midday The ratings are increasing every day. But what is the secret of his success? The moderator a TVBlog He explained: “I've always thought that when you include the right ingredients in a program, like in the kitchen, the messages get through.” That is: “There are donuts that have a hole in them, others less so, but if you try to do your best The audience rewards you“.

But who knows what his audience will think when they find out about his lie. What is it about? Something few expected.

fake telephone ministersThe phone from It's Always Midday – ifood (screen video)

Antonella Clerici: the big bluff

Always about his great success It's always midday Antonella Clerici he said There Press: “I don't organize competitions, I don't suggest strange recipes, I just recreate the atmosphere that I breathed at home as a child, when I lived in the provinces. […] The general public itself does not predominantly live in big cities where everyone sits at the bar at lunchtime and eats a sandwich. Our audience has different rhythms: grandparents look after the children, we go home to eat, we spend time together.”

We are together and witness the lie. What is it about? You know this beauty phone Retro style rose the Antonellina Use for telephone games with spectators? Well, it's just a prop. It doesn't really work and the calls are broadcast in the studio. But we forgive her, right?

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