It39s still noon live raid He came in and no

It's still noon, live raid: He came in and no one could stop him | The stunned Clerici iFood

Antonella Clerici study raidAntonella Clerici – ifood (web photo)

The unthinkable happens with It's Always Noon. The live raid surprised everyone, no one expected it and no one managed to avoid it.

That happens too It's always midday. A live raid, an unexpected and unexpected performance that surprised everyone.

Antonella Clerici Because she was the perfect mistress of the house and the situation, she narrowly managed to avoid the irretrievable. After all, no one could have expected such an event.

On television, the presenter has known perfectly for several decades how to behave and hold the scene. A scene that audiences love for its simplicity. She herself admitted it The pressure a pleasure precisely because of its simplicity: “I don't organize competitions, I don't propose strange recipes, I simply recreate the atmosphere that I breathed at home as a child, when I lived in the provinces.”

Actually in his It's always midday What is recreated is the forest, his forest. This is projected on the big screen and shows the forest near his home, in Arquata Scriva, filmed 24 hours a day.

It's always noon: Live Raid

Antonella Clerici likes to show herself as she is. In fact, he has always stated that he has made sincerity his flag, his mantra. Sharing everything with the public has earned her unconditional love. And his thoughts are reflected in his program. In the above-mentioned interview he stated, among other things: “In my place there is no place for gastrofighetti or even for athletes in general: I don't like radical, chic people getting together.”

There is no place for them, but someone wanted to take that place by force. To everyone's surprise, he stormed into the studio.

Pigeon, it's always middayThe pigeon in the studio at It's Always Lunch – ifood

What happened

In one of the episodes that aired a few months ago, he broke into the studio of It's always midday Unexpectedly it was a pigeon. Suddenly landed in the middle of the studio, noticed by Antonella Clerici Without getting too upset, she called out, “Sorry, there’s a real pigeon in the middle of the studio. Leave him here, we'll open the doors for him and let him out quietly. Then you say it's not a real forest, but in the middle of nature. It's not like he goes to other studios, he comes here. Or maybe he wanted to eat fettuccine. Where he came from is unknown.

The presenter later filmed the bird in one of her Instagram stories as it calmly strolled behind the scenes. Accompanying him with the words: “He visited us at our house in the south. More real forest than that.”

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