iTunes says goodbye to the PC and is replaced by

iTunes says goodbye to the PC and is replaced by these 3 applications

Published on February 15, 2024 Vincent Paquette François Charron

The iTunes software is quietly saying goodbye to PC computers. Apple is gradually removing features from the legendary software to integrate them into separate applications, namely: Apple Music, Apple TV and Apple Devices. You can download these three software programs from the Microsoft Store for computers with Windows 10 and 11.

The popular iTunes software was introduced in 2001 and is in its final stages.

Back in 2019, Apple removed the popular software from its Mac computers via the macOS Catalina system. This has been replaced by other specific applications such as Apple Music and others.

Now it's the turn of PCs, and more specifically computers running Windows 10 and 11, to say goodbye to iTunes.

iTunes will be completely replaced

Apple is actually aiming to completely remove iTunes from computers running Windows 10 and 11.

However, this withdrawal is gradual, while iTunes can still be used to manage our podcasts and audiobooks.

However, it is only a matter of time before Apple offers other solutions to address these issues.

If our computer has Windows 7 or 8, we can still use iTunes to manage our various content. However, it is important to remember that these Windows systems are dangerous to use because they no longer receive support from Microsoft.

Apple Music, Apple TV and Apple Devices are coming to the Microsoft Store

iTunes is thus replaced by three applications offered in the Microsoft Store:

Unsurprisingly, Apple Music allows us to manage our music library.

Apple TV manages our video content like our shows and movies.

Finally, Apple Devices is the new application that allows us to backup, restore and synchronize our music, movies and TV shows between a Windows PC and an iPhone or iPad.

What to do before installing these 3 Apple applications?

Before Apple abandons iTunes entirely, he explains a few interesting things you should know.

A super important folder that you shouldn't delete

Firstly, we are not allowed to delete the iTunes Library folder on our computer.

Apple Music and Apple TV in particular require it to access the content we had on iTunes.

We have to download the three applications

Once we download any of the three applications mentioned above, Apple will ask us to download the other two missing applications to completely replace iTunes.

Sign in with your Apple ID

Each of these applications requires us to log in with our Apple ID to retrieve our purchases made on iTunes.

iTunes is restricted after installing the 3 applications

Once all these steps are completed, our music and video content will no longer be available in iTunes. We can also no longer manage our iPhone or iPad manually via iTunes.