Iva Zanicchi Italy is also threatened by terrorism we are

Iva Zanicchi: “Italy is also threatened by terrorism, we are all unfaithful to them”

“After the terrible attack in Brussels, we in Italy also have a long way to go, because religious fanaticism has always been very dangerous. The terror warning now also affects our country, the whole of Europe is in danger. The problem is that many of them.” “We have Islamic fundamentalists in our house, maybe they are our neighbors and apparently they seem to be decent people. We must all be on alert.” Iva Zanicchi told Adnkronos, after yesterday’s terrorist attack in Brussels in which two Swedish citizens died at the hands of a man who got off a scooter and shouted “Allah Akbar” and hit them with one Kalashnikov struck and killed. “We are the infidels for them, they have no mercy,” the singer continues, underlining what is happening in Israel: “If they come to your house, kill unarmed civilians and cut off the heads of children, then a state has every right , to defend oneself.” War is a terrible thing, but it should be fought by armies. I am for two peoples and two states that can coexist, but terrorism is certainly not the solution. “When there was the attack on the Twin Towers – Iva remembers – it seemed impossible to me that a country like America could be hurt.”

“I felt the same about Israel, I never thought something like this could happen there.” “I met Moshe Dayan, to whom I gave a record called “Shalom,” ancient and modern Jewish songs, in 1968 in very difficult times.” sent – ​​says Zanicchi – “He was very happy about it, he gave me a beautiful thing from him and.” then they received me at the embassy. I was very impressed by the message of this girl held hostage by Hamas terrorists – says the singer – who said that they treated her well and took her to the hospital. However, he used his weapon like we were all idiots. Fortunately, this government is doing well because I have always said that I am a great admirer of Meloni. Of course they make her life difficult, but she is a very strong woman. Enough of the hatred of Israel – the artist emphasizes – the Israelis have more, we have to admit that, they are a people who have managed to reconquer the desert, we must not forget that. My thoughts go out to the 190 hostages to whom they will have done everything they have done, and to the people of Gaza who are suffering and protecting the terrorists. “I know that American President Joe Biden will travel to Israel tomorrow. Let us hope that a way out of the war can be found,” concludes Zanicchi.

(by Alisa Toaff)