Ivan Cantu is executed in the USA why was he

Iván Cantú is executed in the USA: why was he sentenced to death and what were his last words?

Iván Cantú, the Mexican-American, was imprisoned more than 20 years ago for murdering two people: his cousin and his partner. But until the last moment, while he was still alive, The defendant denied committing this crime and said that the information presented for his conviction was false. James Mosqueda, a 27-year-old man, and Amy Kitchen, his partner, were the people Iván injured after this murder.

The death penalty was carried out at 6:47 p.m. local time on Wednesday (12:47 a.m. GMT Thursday) at Huntsville State Prison, where the man of Mexican origin was executed by lethal injection on the charges against him. Let us remember that in Texas, where Iván Cantú was punished, the death penalty is allowed in such cases if the crime is proven.

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Iván Cantú: Since what year was he sentenced to death in Texas?

Iván Cantú, the person sentenced to death after the deaths of his cousin James Mosqueda and his partner Amy Kitchen, had been imprisoned since 2001, when he was convicted for this event. Although Iván's defense lawyers requested a rehearing in which they would present evidence of his possible innocence, this was rejected. Let us remember that in 2012 and 2013 the sentence for Cantú was already planned; However, they managed to postpone the execution.

What documents did Iván Cantú have in his defense against the rejected appeal?

As already mentioned, Iván Cantú and his defenders presented a new call for a conference; However, this was denied by the authorities on Monday Texas State Board of Pardons and Paroles. A day later the… Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reiterated the position of rejecting the application. In these documents that he wanted to present, Cantú had new evidence that there were false statements from witnesses who spoke against him in the 2001 trial. Likewise, lawyer Gena Brunn's last resort was to appeal to the Supreme Court; However, they did not achieve their goal either.

What were Iván Cantú's last words before his execution in the United States?

From that Execution chamberthe occupant of50 yearsrepeatedly explained hisinnocencein his last words. At that dark moment, a lethal injection ended his life. His voice, full of desperation and conviction, echoed throughout the room and left an indelible impression on those who witnessed the tragic event.

According to a statement from Texas Department of Criminal JusticeCantú's last words were as follows: “I would like to address the Kitchen and Mosqueda families. I want you to know that I never killed James and Amy. And if he had known, if he had known who did it, they would have been the first to know all the information he had. I want you all to know that I do not believe this situation will give you closure (…). “I want you all to know that I didn't kill James and Amy.”

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Ivan Cantu is executed in the USA why was he Iván Cantú was executed last Wednesday, February 28th. Photo: Maria Crane

Iván Cantú: Why was he sentenced to death in Texas?

Iván Cantú, a person with Latin rootsIn 2001, he faced the death penalty after being found guilty murdering his cousin James MosquedaStill those Mosqueda's fiancée Amy Kitchenin a double murder in 2000. Although Cantú maintained his innocence, he remained in prison Death row of Texas for over 20 years. Organizations and himself raised objections to the case and called for a review. Recently, Amnesty International expressed doubts about the legal representation in the trial and on Statement of the State's key witness. Cantú's defense argued that key witnesses gave false testimony and that new evidence supported his version that his cousin was murdered by rival drug traffickers. Despite everything, Iván Cantú was executed in February 2024.