IZA dancer disappears in front of The Town; Family mentions shot in the leg Splash

Pedro Paulo Furlan

Collaboration for Splash in São Paulo

Sep 3, 2023 8:38 p.m. Updated on Sep 3, 2023 9:34 p.m

IZA, 33, took to social media to publicize the disappearance of one of her dancers, Mileide Guedes.

The singer, who will be performing at The Town next Sunday (10), appealed for help in finding the young woman.

“The heart is heavy, but we trust that we will find her. Repost this message on your social networks,” the singer wrote on her Instagram story.

News of the disappearance. “Mileide Guedes is a dancer and is missing. She was last seen at the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital [Méier], in Rio de Janeiro on September 2nd. at 5:30 a.m. All information is very important at this time! If you know anything, please call the numbers: (61) 999378245 / (61i) 999712313,” says the text about the young woman.

IZA announces the disappearance of a dancer. Image: Reproduction/Instagram

In a note sent to SplashThe Rio Public Security Secretariat reported that the case was registered at the 12th DP (Copacabana) and transferred to the Whereabouts Discoveries Police Station (DDPA), which will continue the investigation.

Mileide’s family released the following statement:

The dancer Mileide Guedes traveled from Brasília to Rio to rehearse for an event that was scheduled to take place in SP on September 10, 2023, but we have not had direct contact with her since Thursday. We only have information from third parties, first, that she was robbed and beaten and shot in the leg, that she was treated at the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital in the early hours of Saturday (09/02/2023) and that she escaped in absentia around 5 p.m. : 30 p.m. the same day. . Afterwards there was further information that the Maresias do Leme hostel welcomed her and she left today (03/09/2023) at around 12:30, but without documents and confused.

Afterwards, she was seen at a theater in Copacabana this afternoon, witnesses said she was posing as an artist and was disoriented. She may be having a psychotic break. A family member is on his way to Rio to get more information and finds her to bring her back to the family. We have received some related information but also many prank calls, it is a delicate time for family and friends and any support is welcome.