Jack Nicholson still turns down film offers 13 years after

Jack Nicholson still turns down film offers 13 years after his last role and would rather “sit under a tree and read a book”

It’s been 13 years since Jack Nicholson appeared in How Do You Know, a dud of a romantic comedy starring Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd and Owen Wilson.

While the supporting role wasn’t the highlight of Nicholson’s career – and gave the Hollywood legend nearly 80 acting credits in total – it did little to diminish a legacy that includes an impressive, if not unsurpassed, list of cinematic classics, which also includes “Departed” (2006), “The Shining” (1980), “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (1975) and “Chinatown” (1974) among others.

And although he never announced his retirement, it appears the film will be his last. One such report surfaced this week on the WTF With Marc Maron podcast during an in-depth interview with famed record producer, Sunset Strip impresario and longtime Nicholson friend Lou Adler.

Maron had almost ended the hour-plus conversation when he asked Adler an important question that led to a quick Nicholson nugget of his own.

“A friend of mine wanted to put him in a movie,” Maron said after asking Adler how Nicholson was doing. “And he had a conversation with him. But Jack says, “I don’t want to do it.” He says, “You know what I did today? I sat under a tree and read a book.’”

“That sounds like Jack,” Adler replied, laughing with Maron.

Adler said Nicholson “did what he really wanted to do.”

“He wants to be quiet,” Adler said. “He wants to eat whatever he wants. He wants to live the life he wants.”

Part of that life apparently means spending less time on the floor at Crypto.com Arena for Lakers games.

The 89-year-old Adler said he also cut back on the number of games he attended with the 86-year-old Nicholson.

“I still go, but not as often,” Adler said. “I used to go to every game – Jack and I went to every game.”

The post “Jack Nicholson Still Turns Down Movie Offers 13 Years After His Last Role, Would Rather ‘Sit Under a Tree and Read a Book’” appeared first on TheWrap.