Jacques and Gabriella 9 years old and a trip to

Jacques and Gabriella, 9 years old and a trip to the South Pole. Alberto: “The heir is Jacques, but I show no preferences”

Birthday weekend in Monaco for Alberto and Charlène's twins, born nine years ago on December 10th in 2014. Before they set off for the South Pole with their parents Alberto and Charlène at the end of the year. A trip organized by the Oceanographic Museum that Alberto promised his twin sons to raise their awareness of the environmental problem. The prince has just returned from COP28 in Dubai. And he is the only ruler who traveled to the two poles on an expedition years ago to document the condition of the glaciers. The prince had already taken the twins to Spitsbergen a year ago.

A year ago, heir to the throne Jacques and his twin sister Gabriella were celebrated with their favorite superheroes Super Mario and Kung Fu Panda, this year the palace in Monaco is celebrating the twins with a photo in the famous Hall of Mirrors at Rocher, taken on the occasion of the national holiday November 19th, the day of San Ranieri.

Jacques in the prince's carabinier uniform, Gabriella in the blue coat. Only one will take the throne, but both will receive equal attention, as Prince Albert told Corriere in September. “Jacques is still young, only 8 years old, but in a few years I will start preparing him for responsibility. “Jacques and also Gabriella are preparing: the two twins cannot be separated, no differences can be made,” the prince told us. Added: “I have the same plans for Gabriella as for Jacques, he will receive the same attention and training.” And she will have just as many responsibilities, there is a role for her too in the Monaco of tomorrow. And Brother Jacques will need it, he will also take responsibility. Just like I always relied on my sisters Carolina and Stéphanie. I can't do everything, the responsibilities in a royal family have to be shared.

As for the carabinier uniform worn on the national holiday, which also recalls the military role of a prince, Alberto says he will not force it, “but I will advise it.” I myself was not obliged to do so, but my parents suggested a military one training, and that helped me: eight months in the French Navy, five on the Jeanne D'Arc.

Alberto and Charlène recently inaugurated the Christmas Village in the port of Monaco, which this year was dedicated to Rainier III. and his passion for the circus, while celebrating the 100th birthday year of Prince Batisseur, the Builder Prince, as it was renamed. The royal couple turned on the lights in front of the casino at the weekend with spectacular lights.