Jair Bolsonaro has 5 days to return some million dollar jewels given away by Saudi Arabia Perfil.com

The Brazilian court ruled that the former president returned these multi-million dollar jewels. It also asked him to hand over two firearms that he had received as a gift from the United Arab Emirates.

Thursday March 16, 2023

The Brazilian court, which oversees the public purse, found that the former president Jair Bolsonaro returns millions of dollars worth of jewels he received as a gift from Saudi Arabia in five daysand ordered an audit of all gifts during his tenure.

The decision “gives Jair Bolsonaro a five-day deadline to return to the Presidency’s Secretariat-General any assets that are being discussed in relation to the package of jewels received from Saudi Arabia,” he said. Bruno DantasPresident of the Union Court of Auditors (TCU).

Jair Bolsonaro.

The gifts Bolsonaro must return

TCU ordered Bolsonaro to do the same presenting two firearms to the Presidential Palace which he received as a gift from the United Arab Emirates in 2019, agency AFP reported.

Officials under Brazilian law They are only allowed to keep gifts that are “very personal and of little monetary value.”“Dantas made that clear in a TCU meeting.

“If one of the two criteria is not met, (the gifts) must perish inexorably Collection of the President“, he added.

The jewels that Bolsonaro took. PHOTO: AFP

He unanimous decision of the court is the latest chapter in a scandal that has dominated headlines in Brazil since allegations surfaced earlier this month Bolsonaro attempted to illegally import $3.2 million worth of jewelry he and his wife received as gifts from Saudi Arabia.

The episode was both a legal and political headache for the former presidentwho is currently in the US and plans to return to Brazil in hopes of leading the opposition to his leftist successor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

“The set date (for the return) is the 29th of this month. A week before the end, we will study the situation: how is Brazil, how are the contacts here,” Bolsonaro said Tuesday at a meeting with Brazilian businessmen in Orlando. Florida, broadcast via their social networks.

The jewelry was a gift from Saudi Arabia. PHOTO: AFP

Bolsonaro, who denies any illegality, suggested through his lawyers that the jewels be handed over to the authorities pending the conclusion of the investigation.

The scandal erupted when the O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper reported that customs officials had intercepted an assistant of the time Bolsonaro’s Minister of Mines and Energy attempting to enter Brazil with a backpack containing a first package of diamond jewelery by luxury Swiss brand Chopard, following an official trip to Saudi Arabia in October 2021.

TCU also ruled that this jewel set, hitherto held by customs, should be delivered to the Secretary General of the Presidency, the “true owner of this legacy,” as soon as possible.


It was later revealed that Bolsonaro had kept a second set of jewelry, also by Chopard, that had made it to Brazil undetected after the same trip.

Travelers entering Brazil with goods worth more than US$1,000 must declare and pay import taxes.

How much do the jewels Bolsonaro took cost?

Media reports have appreciated The value of the jewels is $3.2 million for the first set and at least $75,000 for the secondwhich could also have entered Brazil duty-free as an official gift to the nation, but in that case it would have had to be delivered to the President’s estate and not to Bolsonaro’s family.