Jamie Dimon: Nikki Haley better than Trump. And Bill Ackmann asks Biden to resign


JpMorgan CEO sides with Nikki Haley against Donald Trump

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Major maneuvers in American finance ahead of the American presidential elections in November 2024. Jamie Dimon has stated that Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley could be a good alternative to Donald Trump.

“Even if you are a very liberal Democrat, I urge you to help Nikki Haley, too,” the JPMorgan Chase CEO told The New York Times on Wednesday at the DealBook Summit.

Charles Koch’s support for Nikki Haley

On Tuesday, Haley won the endorsement of Americans for Prosperity Action, the political network linked to billionaire Charles Koch. The support added to the momentum the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has built in recent weeks as she seeks to become voters’ main alternative to former President Donald Trump in the Republican primary. Haley now ranks third in the RealClearPolitics national polling average, behind Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Ackmann asks Biden to resign

Meanwhile, another big name in American finance is emerging on the opposing front. Billionaire investor Bill Ackman said President Joe Biden risks ruining his political reputation if he seeks a second term.

“I think Biden has done a lot of good. But I think his legacy will not be positive if he is the nominee,” Ackman said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “I think the right thing for Biden to do is to resign and announce that he will not be running, thus creating the opportunity for a contest.”

The founder of Pershing Square Capital Management said he recently met Dean Phillips and was “impressed” with the 54-year-old Democratic congressman, who is from Minnesota. Phillips launched a long-term presidential campaign last month, saying it was time for a new generation of leaders.

“You have to do your best intellectually. And I don’t think Biden is,” Ackman, 57, said. “I don’t say this to mock the president, but I think he’s clearly past his physical and mental prime.”

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