Jaquelline Grohalski is the big winner of A Fazenda 15

Jaquelline Grohalski is the big winner of A Fazenda 15 .com with 56.17% of the votes

Jaquelline experienced the reality show with great intensity from start to finish Edu Moraes/ RECORD

The public voted and decided: Jaquelline Grohalski is the big winner of A Fazenda 15! With great excitement, this Thursday (21) Adriane Galisteu made the most anticipated announcement on the live program by passersby, crowning the influencer with the longawaited prize of R$ 1.5 million!

It is undeniable how much the influencer has conquered Brazil! She received 56.17% of the votes and was very happy to see her great friend again. André Gonçalves comes in second with 25.77% of the vote. Already Marcia Fu came third (12.78%) and WL Guimaraes in fourth place (5.28%).

Admittedly a passion for animals, the girl fulfilled by taking care of them and stay close to nature. On several occasions, he reminded himself that the reality show had everything to do with his roots and he did not miss the opportunities he had to play with the Colorado horse and other animals.

Anyone who sees this peace cannot imagine that Jaque didn't also run away from fights! At the very first party, No more Cariúcha after giving honest advice Nadia Pessoa, caused a widespread nonsense when blaming Tonzao Chagas It is Lily Nobre that they had combined strategies for the fire test and set the hay next to it on fire Leave thirsty without water for 24 hours.

She also fought with her friends Nadja and Kally Fonseca. The former Paioleira became his declared rival and received the singer, with whom she had a great friendship and connection a jet of water in the face during a hut.

But don't think Jaque's time on the reality show is all about bullshit Controversies! The peon had a romance with Lucas full of ups and downs, from hot moments to Dating request.

During her career in reality, the influencer still had time to make a big impact! The fight between Lucas and Black was a topic of conversation. Jaque also played a notable moment during the cooking. The woman immobilized her boyfriend and broke a chair. she stayed characterized by being the first farmer who can be chosen on a farmas she was punished for destroying items from the headquarters.

Jaque still had time to do it Wage an epic battle with Nadja. The former purser returned to headquarters after her rescue from Roça and criticized her rival and André, but the influencer did not let up. The two fought each other, exchanged insults and indulged in debauchery.

Although he marked his time on the rural reality show by participating in several fights, Jaque was also present in one of the most beautiful moments of the edition. Seeing Black suffer from Kally's departure, the influencer comforted him and hugged him. She made it clear that she was still hurt by the nurse's actions, but that she would not like to see him shaken up like that.

Jaque won three farmer hats over the course of the edition and managed to escape two trouble spots, one of which was five times higher. She reached the top 6 and then the top 4 and reached the final to great cheers.

There's no denying that she lived the program intensely! Jaque gathered rivals, made sincere friends, had a lot of fun at parties, faced Fazendão and opened himself up to love.

Remember their trajectory!

Jacqueline Grohalski lived intensely Farm 15! She danced, received several punishments, dated, made friends and enemies, and was even accused of being a VTzeira. The influencer said that she canceled participation in the reality show but was never afraid to fully reveal herself and didn't it work? Jaque made it to the finals and emerged as the big winner! Remember her death!

In the first few days she already said that she came and had a confrontation with Laranjinhawhich spread throughout the headquarters The person was a VTzeira and wanted to appear. The influencer didn't miss this and was happy: “Support your cuteness.” The first party of the season was also exciting for the girl. friend of NadiaJaque tried to warn her about some lines Cariúcha about the newly arrived Paioleira at headquarters. Nadja went to get satisfaction and the funk singer didn't like the influencer's attitude at all, the funk singer got out of control and the two fought

It didn't take long for Jaque to go to Fazendão! The person was invited to participate first fire test and had her ally as a saboteur, Rachel. The journalist didn't give up and made the influencer sweat to finish the activity. After missing the chance to win Lampião, Jaquelline claimed so Tonzao benefited from having his ally as a saboteur, lily. The person claimed the singer acted softly and spoke enough to cause a disturbance Really widespread nonsense

This discussion got people talking and made Jaque one of the most mentioned people in the world Hero x villain dynamic. She didn't let up when she was criticized for it Yuri and called him sexist. As answer to NathanShe emphatically emphasized: “I was born to shine, my love.” In Roça's first formation of the season, Jaque was saved in Resta Um and had to decide whether he wanted to save Kally or André. The person chose the singer and the actor was automatically the final candidate for Roça. After the vote, Nadja was upset about the accusation against Jaque Henrique so you can save Andrew and not her. Jaque said that the person did something wrong and that he was his priority, but the DR arose. If you thought that was the only thing, you were wrong! The friendship between the two turned into a rivalry after the former Paiolista was rightly removed from Grupo Pôr do Sol Various nonsense and myself liquid war

When it comes to punishment, Just call Jaque! The person was one of those who caused the sirens in the enclosure to blare the most, to the point that their list included an infraction that was committed intentionally, and that was because of rumors that they had committed Simioni in connection with an opinion he had given about the businesswoman. With no one admitting guilt, the person took away the microphone, causing a huge outcry and resulting in the headquarters being left without water for 24 hours. was the person most chosen by headquarters in the formation of the second Roça. Despite the nominations, she took part and won the Farmer's Testand left the enemies with their jaws dropped. In addition to escaping the spotlight, Jaque was ecstatic to see that Laranjinha had been eliminated. Intensa, the girl also guaranteed one
Love story lived with Lucas. The two kissed for the first time at Festa Brasil, but one speech from Simioni was enough to end the relationship faced a phase of comings and goings

The statement in question was about Jaque's alleged desire to kiss Tonzão at a party. The businesswoman claimed to have heard that, but she was wrong: the influencer said she would like to kiss another man, not Ton. The resulting excitement was so great Galisteu explains the situation to pedestrians

In the game, Jaque hit a bad patch after Rachel was excluded. The person suffered greatly with her friend's sudden departure, but that was far from the only setback she would suffer. In addition to Pôr do Sol's loss of power, Kally decided to end the alliance with Lucas, Jaque, André and the two had a nasty argument. The influencer stated that the singer traded her friendship for “macho” and the hay caught fire with enthusiasm. The two got into an argument and at the height of the argument, Kally threw coffee at Jaque and the girl retaliated with one Water splashes on friend's face

Jake had the opportunity compete again for the Lampião do Poder. She and André formed a pair, but were not fast enough and ended up in third place. Who did best in the fire test was Alicia It is Radames

Jaque's impulsive nature led to her causing a lot of trouble at headquarters and becoming a target for both of them Paiol group how much of it Group of Crias. Although Pôr do Sol forged new alliances with Márcia and Nadja, the unfavorable turn of events could not be prevented. In the formation of the seventh Roçashe was nominated by the farmer Shay and took the first chair. He did not score well in the Farmer's Test and ended up in the spotlight along with Henrique and Lucas. The coach was faced with the possibility of a breakup decided to ask Jack to be his girlfriend with a special surprise. She enthusiastically accepted the proposal and the couple found themselves in an atmosphere of total romance. The two fled from Roça and Jacques' return was surprising! The opponents waited for Henrique to open the door, but it was the influencer who appeared at the headquarters and shouted: “You don’t know what a pleasure it is to be back,” he said. At dynamics Jaque became very scared when she was attacked by Nadja. She thought she had cleared everything up with the businesswoman, but the exPaioleira criticized the influencer again and the two exchanged insults. Nadja called Jaque a fake and a snake and reciprocated romantic fondue and the dating request, Jaque has prepared a special date for Lucas in the tree house. She decorated the place, cooked and surprised her lover blindfolded. Lucas was thrilled and the two shared another moment of cuteness. A week after Shay's nomination, Jaque became the target of Farmer Yuri and came back into the spotlight on the night of Roça's founding, The influencer burst into tears when contemplating the possibility of facing one's beloved in yet another hot seat. In the end, she was comforted by none other than Kally. The singer recalled that she didn't like seeing her colleague sad, even though the two had an argument, and gave her comforting words. When left alone, the person admitted that he could not imagine that he would feel so much pain while experiencing this romance with the trainer. After Roça's ninth formation, Lucas, Jaque and Sander faced the Farmer's Test. Pedestrians had to rely on keen perception and speed to spot the duplicate images on the screen.. If you had the right pairs, you could pull levers and knock over up to two of your opponent's frogs. Jaque won the race after an exciting and heated argument against Lucas. The fight between Lucas and Black touched the mood of everyone at headquarters. The nurse said that the fact that the financial trainer took a photo of Jojo Todynho on the reality show was a strategy. This was enough to drive the soldier out of his thoughts and attack the farmer. In the midst of chaos, Jaque even broke two chairs and hit the table

After all the hustle and bustle and two broken chairs, Adriane Galisteu revealed to thenfarmer Jaque that she would not be immune in the formation of the ninth Roça. The person was punished for it Smashing items from the headquarters during the fight between Lucas and Black. Galisteu explained that the violation “becomes more serious when committed by those who hold the position of farmer or agriculturist,” which is why only the influencer was punished. The pedestrians were surprised by Lucas' departure from the game. While Yuri, Tonzão and Lily packed the exfarmer's suitcases, Jaque cried and sent his friend a message: “I love you”. Márcia advised the influencer to take a deep breath and lift her head. After the Farmer's Test, where Black emerged victorious, the nurse called Shayan and Alicia for an exclusive live performance. This eventually led to a conflict between Jaque and Kally. The Grupo Pôr do Sol member called the singer “rest” and said: “Male lunch box“. Jaquelline and Kally had another argument, this time before Festa Holanda. “Hug your husband and you will be happy,” said the influencer. The singer responded, saying that her former ally was jealous of her relationship with Black. At that moment, Jaque decided to remember a relationship the player had outside of the game: “He took the guy out all over Brazil as a cuckold and muggle.” The night Kally was eliminated, the headquarters caught fire with the fight between Jaque and Nadja, who had just returned to headquarters. The former rocker criticized her rival and André again, but the influencer didn't let up. The two argued, exchanged insults and indulged in debauchery. But Kally's departure also opened a space in Jaque's heart.
for a truce with black. Seeing the pedestrian suffering from the Roça result, the influencer comforted him and hugged him. She made it clear that she was still hurt by the nurse's actions, but that she would not like to see him shaken up like that.

Jaque fell in the eleventh Roça after he was level with Nadja in a direct duel. Tonzão, pawn of the week, had to break the tie and was for the exPaioleira The influencer took part in the Farmer's Test against Black and Nadja. Even when all seemed lost, he didn't give up and had a nice moment of tension as he took on the nurse. But that evening luck was on Jaque's side! After guessing correctly, he won the hat for the third time in the game! As tradition dictates, Jaque was responsible for choosing who she wanted to take with her to Rancho do Fazendeiro. The woman had the idea of ​​only taking the women from the headquarters, which would lead her to invite Nadja. Márcia then sought out the ex Paioleira to deliver the invitation, commenting: “She's afraid that you'll think it's fake.” However, the influencer refused, stating that she joined after a night of fun the Festa Portugal A was tired The friendship between Jaquelline and Márcia Fu experienced ups and downs. After the influencer has received the votes of all crias in the eleventh formation of Roça, Jaque became suspicious of the former athlete's playing strategies with Tonzão, and the little bug behind her ear caused friction between the friends. “You didn't even know that they were going to vote for me and that you think you have to know something about the game,” said the influencer after Márcia gave her opinion on the lineup of the 12th Roça. “I don't have a crystal ball to guess what they're going to do, okay?” Mamusca replied. Although she tried to spend the last days of imprisonment in peace with Nadja, The people ended up getting into another argument. The former Paioleira said that she did not trust the person and that it was not wrong to wish a Merry Christmas to those with whom she had no contact. “You are stupid and wrong. I don’t want to be near you.” The influencer responded and asked her rival to leave her alone last Friday (15). Jaque lost the special test inspired by the reality show A Grande Conquista and went straight to Roça with four other pedestrians. The hot seat consisted of both the contestants who performed poorly in the activity and the contestants with the most votes at HQ in this case, Shay

As a first salvo, the influencer did not hide her emotions! In tears, he returned to headquarters singing and fell into the arms of André, his best friend and ally at headquarters. Therefore, The player secured a place in the top 6 of the season and went to The hot seat that would decide the four finalists The show almost drove Jaque crazy when he saw Rachel and Lucas from reality! She got a kiss from her lover and melted into Kally, apologizing and says she loves her friend. The biggest surprise, however, was an accusation from Simioni claimed that Márcia Fu cheated on Jaque. The influencer had a flea in her ear! At headquarters She and Márcia got into an argument about the information and also exchanged contradictions after the former athlete called Rachel “excluded.” Luckily, the two made up before the top four were decided!

Jaque was saved by the crowd in the last Roça of the season and was moved by the fireworks Celebration of the Top 4!The finalists got ready and headed out last party of the program. There, Jaque ran to hug Lucas and Rachel and spent the night exchanging kisses and chatting with her boyfriend. The influencer was not only happy, but also confront Cariúcha for interfering in his relationship with the debate coach. After putting the icing on the cake, he really enjoyed A Fazenda until the finale! Amidst much excitement, the girl joined the selected winners club of the rural reality show! Missed a moment The farm 15? Check back throughout the season PlayPlus!

Missed a moment The farm 15? Check back throughout the season PlayPlus!

Pearl show! Check out the funniest phrases from pedestrians:

In the ability to create unforgettable moments, pedestrian The farm 15 They delivered everything! In every heated debate, every statement or even every informal conversation, the participants' creativity came through much louder, with hilarious, provocative and unforgettable sentences. Checkout!

“I brought you to my block. Admit it, Lucas. Admit that you were told not to talk to me. I’m going to put an end to it all, aren’t I?”One of the nonsense in between Lucas It is Cariúcha happened in the “Hero x Villain” dynamic. The soldier stated that he did not like the influencer's attitude and she responded by threatening to reveal the trainer's secret

“Let the Mondra speak”Who followed that Bullshit between Alicia Nadja, . This insult became routine in people's lives and if there was a problem with them, at some point you could hear the influencer chanting “mondra.”

Who knows guys, maybe I'll get a little ass, more boobs and a nose. Who knows, maybe I’m just like you on the outside and rotten on the inside, okay buddy?”Marcia Fu was a real pearl machine this season. The former athlete sent the above phrase in a fight with Jenny Mirandaafter the influencer said she was being fake and disingenuous

“Go to places where you are loved, not places where people are pushing you.”Jaquelline I loved venting with my ally Rachel Sheherazade and in one of these moments Finally, while talking about coexistence in A Fazenda, he made a mistake in pronouncing the word “tolerate.”. The journalist even corrected it

“I'll sleep in your bed. People like you, I face them, don’t lower my head.”This was Rachel Sheherazade's response to Jenny He explained that he would let the journalist sleep in the living room and make her life hell. This confrontation resulted in one of the issue's most memorable moments: Rachel's expulsion

“You remind me of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings.” You desperately think you’re going to be champion, and it’s not because of you, it’s because of the public.”In the Burning the Film dynamic Andre Goncalves had a slightly different discussion with Cezar Black. The actor even compared the nurse to a character Film and was marked in the cut

“Oh, oh, I’m so scared of Shay.”In one of the fights between the radio player and the businessman At the end, the singer hummed the verse, while imitating an ox. This happened afterwards Shay accuse him of attacking the Paiol group in a herd

“Where is my dipyrone, where is my dipyrone…”Although the sentence is short, Márcia Fu said in a discussion with Alicia was noted in the edition. The influencer didn't like it when the former athlete talked about her father and ended up getting upset. Mamusca ignored her as she searched for painkillers.The farm 15 airs Monday to Friday at 10:45 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays at 11:00 p.m RECORD. Follow that official page and social media to stay up to date with all the news! Subscribe to something PlayPlus and have access to cameras around the clock.