Javier Milei calls a new cabinet meeting amid tensions

Javier Milei calls a new cabinet meeting amid tensions

The president Javier Milei presides this Thursday (28) a new Cabinet meeting at the Casa Rosada, after a tense day marked by the transmission to Congress of the “Omnibus Law” project entitled “Law of the foundations and starting points for the freedom of Argentines” was marked.

Javier Milei (center) at a meeting with ministers

Javier Milei (center) at a meeting with ministers

Photo: Perfil Argentina / Perfil Brasil

The meeting began at 8:30 a.m. in the Eva Perón Room on the first floor of the government headquarters. The focus of the meeting will be to address the implications of the bill presented this Wednesday and the necessary strategies to deal with the reactions of the public and various political actors.

In this context, the Vice President Victoria Villarruel and the economic ministers, Luis Caputoand from within, Guillermo Franco, who was involved in the drafting of the texts sent to Parliament. After the meeting, the presidential spokesman said: Manuel Adorni He is scheduled to hold his daily press conference at 11 a.m.

The new meeting of the Council of Ministers takes place in a climate of tension and expectations, considering that the General Confederation of Trade Unions (CGT) is debating whether or not to carry out a general strike after several protests this Wednesday near the Palácio das Cortes and in other parts of the country.

The demonstrations, varying in tone and scale, were the result of concern and dissatisfaction in some sectors over the economic and social policies proposed by the Milei government less than a month after his inauguration as president.

President Milei resumed meetings with ministers after this Wednesday (27), in which he decided to “reduce the frequency”: they would no longer be held daily as in the first two weeks of government, but would take place every Tuesday and Thursday.

President Javier Milei presides this Thursday (28) a new Cabinet meeting at the Casa Rosada, after a tense day marked by the publication of the project.

*The full report can be found on the Perfil.com website.