Javier Milei: Popularity collapses with the stimulus package and the government is faltering Revista Fórum

Written in GLOBAL on March 1, 2024 · 8:48 am

A survey by the Zuban Cordoba research institute in Argentina showed that the country's president, Javier Milei, has already ended his honeymoon with his voters. The study shows a catastrophic decline in the popularity of the country's new president.

His main projects the DNU, which allows noncash benefits, and the bus law, which orders the privatization of virtually all Argentine stateowned companies drove the ultraright's popularity into the abyss.

Milei lost more than a point of positive image per day and now has a 55% rejection rate among Argentines, a rare rate in a month of government. “It is the most accelerated loss of positive differential we have ever recorded. We even dare to say that it is likely to accelerate even more throughout the region's history,” the research institute said.

The core of the rejection lies in Milei's Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU), which deregulates currencies and, among other things, allows the conclusion of contracts in kind. More than 55% of Argentines disagree with the measures.

But the socalled “Ley Ómnibus”, which tightens the repression of demonstrations and intensifies the process of privatization of the economy, is the most rejected by the population: more than 61% of citizens are against its approval.

According to most Argentines, Milei's proposed budget adjustment will only benefit the richest and the poorest will have to pay the price.

Milei's efforts to put Argentina on the path of Videla were strong, but failed to attract popular support. It remains to be seen whether the political class will accept his madness or eradicate it soon.