1702231974 Javier Milei39s first speech as Argentine president in 12 sentences

Javier Milei's first speech as Argentine president, in 12 sentences

Javier Milei39s first speech as Argentine president in 12 sentences

On Sunday, December 10, Javier Milei gave his first speech as Argentine president on the steps of Congress. The far-right received the baton of command from Peronist Alberto Fernández at the inauguration ceremony, but broke protocol and did not address the assembly's lawmakers in his first official message. Milei described the difficult economic outlook and warned Argentines that the coming months would be marked by more inflation and more poverty.

These are the 12 most relevant sentences from Javier Milei's inaugural speech:

“Today a new era begins in Argentina. “Today we end a long and sad history of decay and decline and begin the path of rebuilding our country.”

“Unfortunately, our leadership decided to abandon the model that had made us rich and turn to the ideas of freedom and the impoverishing ideas of collectivism. For more than 100 years, politicians have insisted on defending a model that only breeds poverty, stagnation and misery.”

“The solution implies, on the one hand, a fiscal adjustment in the national public sector of 5 points of GDP, which, unlike in the past, will be borne almost entirely by the state and not by the private sector.”

“This is the legacy they leave us: artificial inflation of 15,000% per year, which we will fight with all our might. Consequently, there is no alternative solution to adapt.”

“This is the last bad drink with which the reconstruction of Argentina begins. That means there will be light at the end of the road.”

“You ruined our lives. They caused us to cut our salaries ten times. Therefore, we should not be surprised that populism results in 45% poor and 10% destitute.”

“There is no room for a discussion between shock and gradualism. This will of course have a negative impact on activity levels, employment, real wages and the number of poor and needy.”

“Our country has been hijacked by drug traffickers and violence. “Our security forces have been humiliated for decades, abandoned by a political class that has turned its back on those who care for us.”

“The situation in Argentina is critical and urgent. We have no alternatives and we also have no time. We have no room for sterile discussions. Our country demands action and immediate action. “The political class is leaving a country on the brink of the deepest crisis.”

“We will make all necessary decisions to solve the problem caused by 100 years of waste by the political class. Even if it's difficult at first. We know that the situation will worsen in the short term. But then we will see the fruits of our efforts.”

“As for the Argentine political class, I want to tell you that we did not come to persecute anyone, we did not come to settle old vendettas or discuss areas of power. We do not demand blind accompaniment, but we will not tolerate hypocrisy, dishonesty or the desire for power to hinder the change we Argentinians have chosen.”

“It is no coincidence that this presidential inauguration takes place during Hanukkah, the Festival of Light, as it celebrates the true essence of freedom. The War of the Maccabees is the symbol of the triumph of the weak over the powerful, because you know that I would rather tell you an inconvenient truth than a convenient lie.