Javier Mileis minister says Argentina will not join the Brics

Javier Milei’s minister says Argentina will not join the Brics group G1

Milei calls on the future minister to invite Lula to the inauguration and talks about building relationships

Diana Mondino, expected to be Argentina’s Foreign Minister, stated on Thursday (30) that the country will not join the Brics group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

In August, during a meeting between the leaders of the bloc countries, it was announced that other nations had been invited to join the group. They were:

  • Argentina;
  • Egypt;
  • Ethiopia;
  • Will;
  • United Arab Emirates;
  • and Saudi Arabia.

The new participants would become part of the BRICS countries on January 1st. However, Argentina’s elected president, Javier Milei, will take office on December 10, weeks ahead of the planned date for the new countries to join.

Argentina’s entry into the Brics was a decision made by the current government of Alberto Fernández, at a time when he had already declared that he had no intention of running for reelection.

Milei had already said during the election campaign that in his opinion Argentina should not be part of the group. “I will not promote business with communists because they do not respect the basic parameters of free trade, freedom and democracy, that is geopolitics,” Milei said when he was still a candidate.