1709419531 Jean Philippe Dion and Alexandre Barrette We would never take part

Jean-Philippe Dion and Alexandre Barrette: “We would never take part in “Get Me Out of Here”!

The comic duo consisting of Jean-Philippe Dion and Alexandre Barrette are back as hosts Get me out of here! Season 2: That reality TV show they would “never, ever” be on.

Jean-Philippe Dion and Alexandre Barrette: “We would never take part in “Get Me Out of Here”!

“Photo provided by TVA”

What are the big differences between this season and season 1?

“We had no idea how hot and humid it would be in this jungle of Panama, which is also wilder than that of Costa Rica. There were always howler monkeys, we saw crocodiles, there were animals literally everywhere,” admits Jean-Philippe Dion.

“The camp is much more hostile and less cute than last year, when there was a small river for swimming and a pier for sunbathing. There is less light there, it is wetter and the jungle is more intense,” continues Alexandre Barrette.

The camper that made you laugh the most?

“Rosalie Vaillancourt!” they react in unison.

“Appreciating challenges was like a comedy routine in itself for her. We could have broadcast these moments like full-length comedy shows. She tried to provoke us, she threw cockroaches at us, there were a lot of extremely funny moments,” explains Jean-Philippe Dion.

“Rosalie, she is funny both in her spontaneous reactions and in prepared moments,” adds Alexandre Barrette.

Jean-Philippe Dion and Alexandre Barrette: “We would never take part in “Get Me Out of Here”!


Who is the person who has touched you the most?

“There are a lot of moments and a lot of people, but for Show 1 for me it's Sophie Durocher. She really touched me when she challenged her husband and son in her challenge,” explains Jean-Philippe.

“Dave also touched us because we find it beautiful to see a man of his stature so fragile and vulnerable in certain moments,” they add.

The challenge you would never face?

Alexandre: “The first one because I feel dizzy. I was afraid to just animate it. I had to talk to myself to take the elevator to the 53rd floor.”

Jean-Philippe: “Dave is where he is literally buried alive with snakes. His death screams during this challenge, I've been thinking about it for days.

Would you take part in this show?

“We would never take part in this show!” they say in unison.

Your biggest fear?

Alexandre: “I'm afraid of a lot of things. I’m claustrophobic, afraid of heights and I wouldn’t eat strange animals.”

Jean-Philippe: “I think it's better that we're not brave enough to face this kind of challenge, because I think that during the show we feel an even greater respect and reaction to it.” I have challenges hosted with heartthrobs, but I think that makes the show even better.”

Your favorite memory from this second season?

Alexandre: “The final test is always very touching because it includes a little review of each camper. I love that it's a show that lends itself more to chemistry and togetherness. There is no trace of competition and they will be destroyed if there is an elimination. We are privileged witnesses of beautiful human moments. Every goodbye breaks your heart.”

Jean-Philippe: “The final jungle gala where we announce who will win with a look back at everything we have experienced during the season. It's rare to shoot such a compressed project under such conditions. It’s quite an adventure to experience!”

Jean-Philippe Dion and Alexandre Barrette: “We would never take part in “Get Me Out of Here”!


Get me out of here!

Season 2 in some fun facts:

Location: the jungles of Panama, about an hour from Panama City

This Season 2 campers are: Audrey Roger, Patricia Paquin, Philippe Laprise, Clodine Desrochers, Alex Perron, Dave Morissette, Rosalie Vaillancourt, Sophie Durocher and Sébastien Toutant.

Average temperature in Panama in July: 34 degrees, not counting the very high humidity

Duration for campers: Twenty days in the jungle

Installation days abroad: 35

Shooting times: more than 350 hours

TV equipment: 28 cameras and 16GB Pro

Emergency plans for all eventualities

Production team: more than 170 people, including around thirty local employees and some specialists (chef, animal trainer, stunt manager, medical team)

Camper menu: 70g rice and 70g beans per camper per day

The stars and challenges of the day give rise to a “varied” diet: Alligator legs, lionfish, young birds, eels, opossum, sardines…

A variety of animals: 50 toads, three caimans, 12,000 cockroaches, thousands of larvae and ants, around 35 snakes of all sizes, around ten tarantulas, a few eels, crabs, howler monkeys, parrots

Total Challenges to Keep Campers Busy: 19, including the impressive Challenges skyscraper with a height of 53 floors and again 30 meters high