Jennifer Lopez reveals why she and Ben Affleck have suffered

Jennifer Lopez reveals why she and Ben Affleck have suffered from “post traumatic stress” since their first relationship

Although Jennifer López and Ben Affleck have once again become one of the most followed couples in the world of entertainment, few know that there are still regrets behind them (Photo by Maria Moratti/Getty Images)

Over the decades, many celebrities have shown that extreme media exposure can cause irreversible damage to their personal lives. Especially when it comes to glamorous couples. The “Bennifer” phenomenon has known this very well for more than two decades. Although Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have once again become one of the most followed couples in show business, Few know there is still a regret behind them that the Bronx diva shared this week.

In a recent interview with Variety, JLo was promoting her new album and film of the same name, This Is Me… Now.what exactly documents her latest love story with Ben and their wedding in 2022. However, this was apparently offset by a shocking confession: “We both have post-traumatic stress” as a result of media scrutiny during their first phase as a couple in the 2000s.

The singer spoke openly about the complications that both of them had experienced in the past and although this adverse experience continues to reverberate in the present, they now know how to deal with it. “Now we are older. We are smarter. We also know what is important, what is really important in life, and it doesn't matter so much what other people think. It's about staying true to yourself.explained the “Jenny From The Block” singer.

The decision to document their romance wasn't easy, López admitted, as he revealed that not everyone around him supported the idea. But she was not guided by the outside, but by her inner voice. “As artists, we have to follow our hearts and I follow my heart and do something that maybe not everyone thought was the best idea, but I had to do it,” he added in his conversation with Variety.

About the type of film to be released 2024The It is not yet known whether it will be a feature film or a documentary.JLo left fascinating details, describing her as “musical experience. Because there is music, you can see it, you can hear it and then you have to live it.” With emotions, López called on the public not to miss it: “You have to see it and you have to experience it to get it to understand.”

Without a doubt it is clear hopelessly romantic nature of the Bronx diva. A recent teaser for the upcoming film included a clip in which Lopez said, “When I was little and someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always… in love.”

The decision to document their romance wasn't easy, López admitted as she revealed that not everyone around her supported the idea (Photo by Stephane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

This love story also fits with López's previous comments about the possibility of collaborating again on film with her beloved husband Ben Affleck after their collaboration on 2003's “Gigli” turned out to be a notable critical and box office disaster. “We talked,” López then said. “We love being together and working together, so you never know.”

The relationship between Lopez and Affleck is iconichaving stood the test of time from their early beginnings in the 2000s, to a split following the cancellation of their wedding in 2003, to their own surprising reconciliation in 2021 that culminated in a dizzying romance and marriage Next year.

The famous couple's last red carpet appearance was in Hollywood on December 5, when she was honored at the ceremony Women in Hollywood by Elle, Where JLo confessed that it was her and the actor “true companionsnot only in our work together, but also in life, as parents, as lovers, as a couple.”

As for the nature of the film, which is set to be released in 2024 and whether it will be a scripted feature or a documentary, JLo called it a “musical experience” (Photo © 2021 Splash News/The Grosby group)

The album and short film “This Is Me… Now” will be released on February 16th Not only do they mark López's return to the music scene, but they also commemorate the 20th anniversary since the release of “This Is Me…Then,” bringing his personal and artistic journey full circle.