Jennifer Love Hewitt opens up about aging amid Instagram filter

Jennifer Love Hewitt opens up about aging amid Instagram filter backlash

Jennifer Love Hewitt is standing up for herself after being criticized on social media.

The I Know What You Did Last Summer star recently went viral for using an Instagram filter while showing off his new haircut. Hewitt had a hilarious reaction after being called “unrecognizable” but is now seriously thinking about how hard it is to age in the spotlight.

“Aging in Hollywood is really hard… because you can't do anything right,” she said on an episode of Michael Rosenbaum's “Inside of You” podcast earlier this month. “I had this thing a few weeks ago… I was getting my hair done and I didn't have any makeup on, so I put a filter in… I really didn't think about it.”

“And a few people were like, 'Jennifer Love Hewitt is unrecognizable,' and then another place was like, 'She's unrecognizable and that's why she used filters because she doesn't want us to know how bad she actually is now.' “You look '40s,” Hewitt added. “And I thought, 'This is crazy, right?'”

The 44-year-old mother of three responded at the time by posting several filtered selfies on her Instagram Story that actually rendered her unrecognizable, while cheekily claiming that she “couldn't look more natural.” She revealed in the podcast that even these explicit jokes are met with criticism.

“They said, 'Well, she's just defending herself,' and asked, 'Why is she defending?'” Hewitt said. “And I realized, 'I can't do anything right.'”

Hewitt has been an actress for more than 30 years, and while she's proud of her features, she told Rosenbaum that some people “freeze you” “the moment they fall in love with you” and “that's how they want you to be.” “That you always are.” ” For Hewitt, that moment was in his early to mid-20s.

“They seem to have chosen me somewhere between 23 and 25, which was a looker by the way,” she said of her younger self. “Congratulations to that 23 or 25 year old, that's great, but that 23 or 25 year old wasn't in her body… I didn't feel confident – I felt watched.”

“I felt like I always had to be everything to everyone,” Hewitt added. “I was called 'sexy' before I even knew what sexy was. I was 17 years old on the cover of Maxim – and I had no idea why I was on the cover…”

The “9-1-1” graduate admittedly doesn’t care what others think, but it’s human nature. Still, Hewitt said she likes who she is now, saying, “That girl? I like who I am. I feel good. I'm doing well.”

Watch the full interview on YouTube.

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