Jeremy Renner will release music to celebrate the anniversary of his snowplow accident – TVA Nouvelles

Jeremy Renner will release music to celebrate the one-year anniversary of his horrific snowplow accident.

• Also read: Jeremy Renner vows not to “waste” his life after a snowplow accident.

An album, or rather a “musical diary”, which he apparently called Wait and which will be released on January 1st.

“My new musical diary. It's a story about life, death and healing, about everything I've learned along the way. I can't wait to share it with you,” the actor announced on Instagram, revealing the cover of this work, in which we can see him sitting on the edge of a dock next to his ten-year-old daughter Ava.

However, the Hawkeye star did not specify whether “Wait” was just a song or an entire album, or whether this project is related to Love and Titanium, an album he announced its release last October.

This is a title he took from one of his statements during an interview with ABC News a few months ago as he was slowly getting back on his feet. “I lost a lot of flesh and bone in this experience,” he explained, noting that he had broken about thirty bones. “But I stocked up on love and titanium.”

Finally, let's remember that Jeremy Renner isn't starting from scratch musically. He is notably the author of The Medicine and Live For Now, two EPs released in 2020.