Jesse Watters Biden wants you to forget that

Jesse Watters: Biden wants you to forget that

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Jesse Watters reflected on President Biden’s “New World Order” comments on “Jesse Watters Primetime” on Tuesday.

PRESIDENT BIDEN: “We’ve worked together on the American Rescue Plan, COVID, infrastructure delivery, change, innovation, climate, clean energy, cost reduction and much more and my strategy worked I think and I think it’s still working. “

[The] strategy still works? No it is not. Working class Americans are feeling a lot of pain right now. The country is on the verge of stagflation. Inflation is at a 30-year high and gas prices are at a record high. If this goes to plan, I can’t imagine what it is [would] looks like it isn’t, but Joe thinks he can revamp the whole world. For sure. It wouldn’t be the first time he tried. Do you remember the early 90’s when the Soviet Union collapsed? Bush, 41, said the new world order is an opportunity.

FORMER PRESIDENT GEORGE HW BUSH: “We have made great strides over the past year in ending the long era of conflict and the Cold War. We have an opportunity before us to forge a new world order for ourselves and for generations to come.”

Well, unfortunately, Bush lost and Clinton, Wall Street and stupid senators like Joe Biden shaped the new world order, and that new world order ended up being just massive globalization that put other countries first and America last and enforced deals like NATO and NAFTA, where we opened our borders, shipped our jobs south to Mexico, and strengthened the cartels that funnel drugs into our neighborhoods, and China can thank the new world order for its giant leap forward. We pushed for their inclusion in the WTO, opened the door for American manufacturing orders to move overseas, put money in Beijing’s pockets and turned them into the monsters they are today, and who’s been driving globalization all this time? Bingo. It was Joe, then on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, that taught him how to empower our enemies and destroy working-class jobs, better known as the “Biden Doctrine.”

“America Last” continued while he was VP. Biden helped create the China Monster, and now he wants you to forget it. Biden played soccer with Ukraine and NATO and wants you to forget it now. I do not think so. This new world order will be no different from the last. Maybe even worse as it looks like Biden wants to turn it into a green new world.