Jesus Barco left Melissa Klug and her newborn baby in

Jesús Barco left Melissa Klug and her newborn baby in the USA: why did he return to Peru?

Jesús Barco confirms that he is physically separated from Melissa Klug. | Composition Infobae / Instagram @jesusbarcob

Jesus boat confirmed that he is physically separated from his partner Melissa Klug. After the popular “Blanca de Chucuito” gave birth for the sixth time on November 28, the soccer player had to leave her behind in the United States and return to Peru for a while strong motif.

It should be noted that after Birth of your babyKlug shared reflections that did not mention his partner, leading to speculation among his followers and the public about possible tension in their romantic relationship.

In one of her publications, the businesswoman singled out some people as her “safe place” and her “grounding cord,” specifically mentioning “my mothers, my children,” but omitting mention of “my mothers, my children.” Jesus boat. In addition, Klug shared a video in which he alluded to the inequality between men and women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. The businesswoman shared a reflection that said, “Unless there is equal pregnancy, that is, 50% of the mother and 50% of the father… you cannot say that parenthood is a matter of two.” These words were considered indirect interpreted as a reflection of his personal situation.

Melissa Klug has published her first photo with her daughter. (Instagram)

football player Jesus boat returned to Peru go in USA to your couple Melissa Klug and his newborn daughter, Cayetana. Barco confirmed his return on December 13, a few days after the birth of his first-born daughter, now 15 days old. The athlete was forced to return to Peru due to work commitments.

The absence of Barco along with Melissa Klug and her baby was detected through an interaction in Instagramwhere a user asked him, “Are you with your baby and Melissa?” to which he replied, “No, I had to go back to see some problems with my work.” When asked if his family is in the US would live, he clarified: “Only for a while.”

Jesús Barco explains why he left Melissa Klug behind in the USA and returned to Peru.| Instagram @jesusbarcob

It's important to mention that Melissa Klug He has five other children from previous relationships, and now that he has his newborn daughter in the United States, the family dynamic is at a point of adjustment.

Jesus boat did not provide any details about the work projects that motivated his return to Peru, nor did he specify the duration of his stay. Melissa Klug and his daughter in the United States.

Jesús Barco reveals how long his daughter Cayetana will stay in the USA. | Instagram @jesusbarcob

Melissa Klug will celebrate Christmas In USA with her baby, her children Gianella Marquina, Melissa Lobatón and Adriano and Jeremy Farfánand your partner Jesus boat. This information is intended to deny the rumors about a possible rift between Klug and the footballer, as there has already been speculation about a separation.

In an interview with Trome diary, the influencer confirmed her Christmas plans and dismissed speculation about distancing herself from Jesús Barco. The businesswoman explained: “That’s how it is with my children and Jesus.” We just show up Christmas with my children and him as a family.”

Melissa Klug's children traveled to the USA to meet their younger sister. @melissaklugoficial

After the family reunion, everyone except Samahara Lobaton Smart – They met in USA to get to know the new family member. Klug expressed his joy at the family reunion and stated: “Yes, my complete happiness. “My children are already here.”

Before the birth of her granddaughter Cayetana Barco, the soccer player's mother gave emotional words. On his Instagram account Gloria Bozzeta said:

“Son of my life, at this moment my heart explodes with happiness. It is incredible for me to see you and recognize you as a father. It seems like it was yesterday when you came into our lives and now this new phase begins, I love you. Thank you for giving us this little piece of life I wish you all the wisdom, patience and love that you will perfect our happiness in this new phase that you are taking on.”

Jesús Barco is happy about his first daughter Cayetana and Melissa Klug. | Instagram @jesusbarcob