Jimi Hendrixs penis now in Icelands Phallus Museum

Jimi Hendrix’s penis now in Iceland’s Phallus Museum

Iceland’s Phallus Museum has gained an infamous artwork: visitors can now marvel at a plaster cast of rock legend Jimi Hendrix’s erect penis. The artwork was created by artist Cynthia “Plaster Caster” Albritton, who died this year and made casts of the penises of about 50 rock stars.

Plaster cast of rock legend Jimi Hendrix's erect penis in Iceland's Phallus Museum

APA/AFP/Jeremie Richard

Many curious objects on display

At the Phallus Museum of Iceland in Reykjavik, around 400 objects are on display, some of which are curious, including the sex organs of whales and the genitals of a raccoon. Among the museum’s most famous exhibits are bronzes from the genitals of the entire handball team that won silver for Iceland at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Albritton had promised the Phallus Museum a cast of Hendrix’s penis before his death. According to a certificate of authenticity, the exhibit is a replica of an original cast from 1968.

“Definitely one of our most valuable pieces”

Known for songs like “Foxy Lady” and “Hey Joe”, Hendrix died of an overdose in 1970, aged 27. His penis mold is “definitely one of our most treasured pieces,” deputy curator of the Phallus Museum, Thordur Olafur Thordarson, told AFP. “We are very lucky to have him.”