1683963027 Joan Baldovi I ask you to vote with your head

Joan Baldoví: “I ask you to vote with your head and your wallet”

Joan Baldovi I ask you to vote with your head

Joan Baldoví (Swedish, 64 years old) decided to run for the Presidency of the Generalitat after the resignation of Mónica Oltra, until then the visible leader of Compromís in the Valencian Community. His popularity was an advantage and in fact almost seven out of ten Valencians say they know him and give him a pass grade in the executive rankings according to a 40dB poll. “Baldo,” as he is known within the party and among his peers, leaves 12 years as a member of Congress and makes his regional debut. Friendly and witty, he defends the role of the Compromís in the government of the Botànic, believing that good personal connections facilitate political agreements.

Questions. WhatWill you miss Madrid?

Answer. Yes, in any case. I was welcomed and loved. Also for the people of Madrid. I learned a lot because sometimes. It was a privilege.

Q What did you learn?

R That more agreements are made without noise and with discretion. The policies that matter are made not so much on the floor of Congress as in the commissions, where you have the opportunity to make agreements that improve many laws. I also learned that good personal relationships make political relationships easier.

Q According to polls, Compromís is one of the parties with the most mobilized electorate, but mobilization is still lower in the left bloc than in the left bloc. How do you manage to mobilize the electorate?

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R I think the urge for change that we saw in 2015 doesn’t exist. In time people will realize that they have to make a choice and they can’t just look the other way.

Q What would you say to those who haven’t decided yet?

R Let them vote with their heads and their wallets. If we are represented by parties who are able to vote against raising pensions, against raising the minimum wage, against labor reform, that there are taxes for those who have most, then they should put their heads and compare and vote with your wallet.

Q You entrust your entire campaign, your proposals to improving funding. They have already said that they will go to court if necessary, but do you think people really see the importance of this matter?

R We probably couldn’t explain it. A good funding system consists of more doctors, more nurses, more housing, more teachers and more institutes, and a greater capacity to support the fabric of production. If we had funding like Navarre’s, we wouldn’t put so much emphasis on it, but the disinterest of the PP and PSOE is scandalous. They all recognized it but nothing was done to solve it.

Q What role did Compromís play in the Botànic?

R We were the driving force to go further. Many of the most important measures would not have been approved without the presence of Compromís. We recovered for the public hospital network, ITV… we were revolutionaries in social services and education. We have moved away from the PSOE, we have made further progress and pursued more ambitious and bolder policies.

R We did a lot and explained a little less. All social and economic indicators are better than in 2015. The Botànic has created a friendly ecosystem to allow the economy to flow, but the problem is the noise coming from Madrid, which is covering up the achievements.

Q What noise do you mean?

R Extraneous controversies, like the May 2nd controversy, which ultimately obscure the meaning of the discussion about urban planning, housing or health, and that’s what should concern us, not artificial controversies. It must be judged how we were, how we are and what proposals we have for the future.

Q Who did you get along with better at the Botànic?

R From what my colleagues have told me, we got along very well with the PSOE at times. Education miscegenation (mixing responsibilities from one party to another rather than leaving the entire department in the hands of one formation) has worked well, but other departments have not fared so well. It’s not about the party, it’s about the people. We have observed that a PSOE wanted to go its own way, but we have shown that we are able to make and honor agreements and form a team. We are reliable partners.

Q Do you wish Yolanda Díaz had campaigned with you?

R Neither yes nor no. We’re focused on the problems facing the Valencians and that’s our only concern. You will have your reasons. It doesn’t take away the dream.

Q What does Compromís offer that other progressive forces don’t?

R proximity and proximity. The decision to work is based on the interests of those who live and work here and not 300 kilometers away.

Q Can they lose that Valencian uniqueness by merging with Sumar?

R We’ll talk about that on the 29th. In any case, the agreement will be horizontal and the uniqueness of Compromís as a Valencian political actor will be respected and we will never dilute our political uniqueness.

Q Carlos Mazón boasts of having reached numerous agreements with Compromís in the Alicante Provincial Council.

R Well, we’ve reached an agreement and dismantled a patronage system. Now the funds are distributed according to the needs of the cities and not according to the political affiliations of their mayors. They were agreements that benefited most people.

Q Would you support the PP as a “cordon sanitaire” to prevent the far right from entering the Valencian government?

R When the time comes, we will water, but probably not, because ultimately the Mazón and VOX proposals are not very different either.

Q Is it impossible to reach an agreement with Podem on a joint candidacy?

R Never say never in politics, but there are red lines that shouldn’t be crossed. This isn’t one of them.

Q Is there a solution for health, especially for primary care?

R Of course there is a solution, and that is not through weakening, but through providing more resources. The PP has fired 6,000 doctors and we have hired 15,000 since 2015. We would like Primary Care to arrange appointments with a maximum of 48-72 hours. There were things we could have done better, but the PP formula is very different from the pursuit of quality public health care. It doesn’t rule out returns to businesses and for us that’s a red line. A deputy and a pensioner must enjoy the same protection.

Q Because all that matters is his campaign slogan. Tell me the five things that you think are most important to citizens.

R In the areas of health care, housing, jobs, fair prices for farmers and consumers and a system that includes them all, a good financing system is important, helping to shape social and economic policies that help our people.

Q Compromís has sided with the irrigators in the case of the Tajo Segura transfer. As an ecological party, how can you not defend an ecological river?

Because what is being done is to allow Mrs. Ayuso (President of the Autonomous Community of Madrid) not to clean like we clean all other communities and in the end more water has to be used to dilute what does not clean and because we understand that in a climate change scenario it is necessary to end transfers, but not overnight and without breaking agreements like the one with the National Water Board. Farmers must not be left without a livelihood, this must be done gradually through alternatives to transfers and gradually replaced by measures such as desalination at an affordable price.

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