Joanna thought about knockouts the truth was much worse oe24

Tragic case

October 1, 2023

The young woman feared being drugged when she left.

During a night out in Edinburgh, Joanna Whitelaw suddenly felt unwell and her vision became blurry. At first, she feared that someone had given her drops to knock her out. “I kept asking if my bag was there because I couldn’t feel the strap,” the 27-year-old told the Chron. When her vision continued to be impaired the next day, she went to the hospital.

After a CT scan, the 27-year-old was finally told she had suffered a stroke. Further tests revealed that Joanna had a small hole in her heart, which doctors said she had probably lived with unnoticed all her life. Such a condition can increase the risk of stroke. Joanna, who was very healthy and had no other symptoms, had to undergo surgery.


She underwent the operation successfully, but is still struggling to fully return to her previous life. She continues to experience limitations on the right side of her body and has to relearn many daily activities and sports. Joanna is grateful for the support she has received and wants to educate others about the symptoms of a stroke to allow for quicker recognition and response.
