1698725671 Joe Biden announces action plan to control artificial intelligence

Joe Biden announces action plan to control artificial intelligence

US President Joe Biden during a speech on artificial intelligence at the White House on July 21, 2023. US President Joe Biden during a speech on artificial intelligence at the White House on July 21, 2023. MANUEL BALCE CENETA / AP

The era of non-regulation of technology appears to be finally over in the United States. “To fulfill the promise of artificial intelligence [IA] To avoid risks, we must regulate this technology. “There is no other way,” Joe Biden declared on Monday, October 30, at the White House in Washington, after signing an executive order on regulation.

This decision was made amid fears for national security and a desire to protect Americans. It follows the voluntary commitment of around fifteen American companies leading the sector (Microsoft, OpenAI, Amazon, Meta, Google, etc.) in July.

“We cannot move forward at the normal government pace,” said the American president, quoting his chief of staff Bruce Reed. We must evolve as quickly, if not faster, than the technology itself. According to Mr. Reed, the executive order represents “the strongest set of actions ever taken by any government anywhere in the world on AI safety, protection and trust “.

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The executive order first requires that artificial intelligence developers “share their security test results and other sensitive information with the U.S. government.” This obligation concerns models that may have implications for national security, economic security and health.

Federal authorities will then develop standards and monitor compliance with them. The first task will be given to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, while various organizations (Departments of Homeland Security, Energy) will ensure that strategic, energy, chemical and nuclear infrastructures are protected. The government will also establish an advanced cybersecurity program to develop AI tools to detect and remediate vulnerabilities in key strategic software. The United States also wants to protect itself against the development of biological or bacteriological weapons through AI

US government activism

Finally, the White House notes that the program aims to protect Americans from fraud and establish standards and best practices for detecting AI-generated content. “Deep fakes use AI-generated audio and video recordings to damage reputations, spread false news and commit fraud,” Biden said. I saw one about me [ses équipes lui ont monté une animation le mettant en scène]. I said, “But when did I say that?” »

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