1707829057 Joe Biden Forget that The Montreal Journal

Joe Biden? Forget that!

This is a presidency that is weakening before our eyes. If you end up escaping justice, not so much because you have nothing to blame yourself for, but because you arouse pity from a potential jury, it's hard to say that you are sure that this man is the commander-in-chief of the world's leading power .

• Also read: The White House criticizes Biden's age after a damning report

• Also read: “I don’t have memory problems,” Biden said after the damning report

After eight years as vice president, Joe Biden brought with him confidential documents that he should have turned over to the National Archives. Unlike Donald Trump, Biden had no nuclear secrets or plans to attack a foreign power.

Nor did he attempt to hide the documents in his possession from investigators or plan to interfere with the work of the special prosecutor. He himself recognizes this in his 388-page report, which took fifteen months to produce.

No compromises, and yet it is a devastating report for Joe Biden. There we find, confirmed by an external observer, what Americans constantly repeat: Joe Biden is too old to remain president.

Joe Biden?  Forget that!


“That's none of your business”

These are no longer lapses of memory or insignificant lapses of attention. Joe Biden was quietly questioned – we can believe it – by Robert Hur, the special counsel tasked with investigating his handling of documents from his tenure as vice president.

The report says that Biden has forgotten when he was president or that he has only vague memories of the all-important debate over the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.

Worse still for Joe Biden, the special counsel writes: “He could not even remember the moment of his son Beau's death for several years.” Late on Thursday evening, the 81-year-old president, moved and insulted, attacked the special counsel during a hastily called press conference : “How dare he bring this up?”


I found myself three rows in front of presidential spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre during her daily press conference on Friday. Not exactly the right day to address tensions between Canada and the United States or other international news; The press secretary was bombarded with questions about the special prosecutor's findings.

Desperation was visible on his face. “I've known the president since 2009… Look what he's accomplished! … He constantly jokes about his age.” This White House is no longer able to highlight the Biden administration’s accomplishments.

We are just parrying the blows that follow one another as Joe Biden multiplies the mistakes: Mitterrand instead of Macron, Kohl instead of Scholz, and on Thursday evening, despite vomiting over this report that questioned his memory, he spoke of the president of Mexico, referring to Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, the President… of Egypt.

The special prosecutor concluded his report by saying that the manner in which some of his vice presidential documents had been manipulated did not warrant prosecution: “A jury would give him the benefit of the doubt because he is an older, kind and well-mannered man.” intentionally and with a poor memory.”

In poll after poll, Americans — even Democrats — repeat that Joe Biden, however warm, has had his day. He shouldn't wait until people vote for him out of pity.