Joe Biden meets Nordic leaders in Finland

Joe Biden meets Nordic leaders in Finland

After the US President achieved his goals at the NATO summit in Vilnius, he made a brief stopover in Helsinki. His delegation eventually managed to overturn Turkey’s veto on Sweden’s entry into the alliance.

Brief visit by Joe Biden to Finland, the brand new NATO member with which the Atlantic Alliance is doubling its border with Russia. In Helsinki he is planning a meeting with the heads of state and government of the Nordic countries.

goals achieved

The American President ends his five-day trip to Europe after a winning summit with a wonderful taste in his mouth has ensured the coalition emerges stronger, united and more energetic than ever.”

In Vilnius, he promised an enthusiastic audience that his country’s commitment to the defense of Ukraine would not falter.

“You must never forget the importance of this and never give up to achieve a better tomorrow. The defense of liberty is not a day’s work or a year’s work, it is the vocation of our lives, of all time. It’s us.” Ready for the battle to come. Our unity will not waver, I promise you.”

Zelenski highlights what has been achieved

For his part, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky returned to his country and emphasized the positive aspects of his mission in Lithuania: he has no plan to join NATO, but Yes, the guarantee of future membership and more military aid Air defense, missiles, armor and artillery.

“I haven’t changed my point of view. The most important thing is that we have a common agreement on the terms under which Ukraine would join NATO. Maybe not all the details were communicated, but for me it was very important that it mattered “safety.” .

Another landmark of Vilnius was Ankara’s change of heart after several US delegation meetings with the Turkish: It will finally lift the veto against Sweden’s admission to the alliance. Although President Recep Tayip Erdogan has announced that this will not happen before October due to the holiday break.