Joe Biden resumes construction of the wall between the US

Joe Biden resumes construction of the wall between the US and Mexico

On September 28, a man attempts to cross the border between Tijuana and San Diego. GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP

The idea of ​​continuing this flagship project of the Trump administration has previously been anathema to Democrats.

Washington correspondent

In a sudden policy shift, the Biden administration announced the resumption of construction on portions of the border wall between the United States and Mexico to address an unprecedented wave of illegal immigration. “There is currently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads along the border … to prevent illegal entry into the United States in certain areas,” the Department of National Security announced in a press release issued Wednesday.

The measure affects about 10 border sections, primarily along the lower Rio Grande Valley, downstream from Falcon Dam in Starr County. According to the US Border Patrol, this region is an area where illegal entries are particularly high. In August, more than 245,000 illegal immigrants were arrested in this sector.

Radical change

The Biden administration also…

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