Joe Burrows deal looks even better given his season ending injury

Joe Burrow’s deal looks even better given his season-ending injury – NBC Sports

A wrist mishap has interrupted quarterback Joe Burrow’s fourth NFL season. It’s the second time he’s suffered a season-ending injury in November.

And it underscores the value of the contract Burrow signed just before the start of the season.

He has $219 million in injury guarantees. Healthy or not, he’ll get the money. Every cent of it. Cold, hard cash.

Is Burrow injury prone? It’s too early to say that. However, he suffered three serious injuries in four seasons. Cruciate ligament tear. Calf. Wrist.

Regardless of whether the injuries persist, Burrow’s performances and leadership over his first three seasons have been enough to insure him against further injuries. To protect him from the Bengals going in a different direction if the injuries continue.

Even if Burrow gets injured from time to time, the Bengals will likely continue to be all-in on him. Nevertheless, it is very wise that he received financial security at that time.

While there’s no reason to believe his wrist won’t fully heal, there’s always reason to be cautious when some part of a quarterback’s money-making ability is compromised. And there’s always a reason that a quarterback who has proven his abilities is given the most protection from injury when he can.