Joelma is rescued by SAMU cancels shows and leaves fans

Joelma is rescued by SAMU, cancels shows and leaves fans desperate iG Mail

Photo: reproduction

Joelma could not go on stage in Bragança, inland from Pará


Joelma was ready to perform in full costume and makeup early Saturday (8) in Bragança, inland Pará. But she didn’t even leave the hotel and had to be rescued on site by a team from the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU), who administered medication and ensured complete rest for the next few days.

The band was already on stage and ready to start the show when Natália Sarraff, the singer’s daughter, took the lead and showed onscreen a video of Joelma giving fans a justification for her health condition and hardship to cancel the concert. Presentation.

“I came to do my show but unfortunately I’ve caught a very bad flu and I can’t do this show. Everything was ready to make the show, but it won’t work. But I’ll recover and go back.” “And do this show, okay, fine? A kiss and stay with God, everyone,” said the singer, visibly shocked.

In order not to completely let down the audience, Natália, who is also a singer, performed some songs improvised, but was well received by the audience, who expected her mother’s complete show.

“As you have seen, Mom has not recovered. She has a bad flu, her lungs are pretty bad. Unfortunately we will be canceling this weekend’s shows so she can rest and take care of herself, ok.” “In Bragança, not to let down the gallery, we took over the stage, I also joined the group. When God tells us to go and obey, and for my mother, I’m capable of anything.”

The official profiles of Bragança City Hall even published a video with the SAMU doctor, explaining how Joelma was treated and the artist’s recommendations.

“We did her medical and she is having trouble breathing, coughing a lot and had a fever by early afternoon. We instruct them to rest and take their medication. Unfortunately, she can’t take part in the show today,” the doctor said. , identified only as Ruth.

It is important to remember that Joelma has contracted Covid19 five times and is still suffering from the effects of the disease, such as the constant swelling of her face. Since the beginning of the week, fans have been expressing concern about his state of health, noticing tiredness and a lack of spirit during the last presentations.

This Saturday morning, Joelma’s adviser also commented on the subject: “The artist was diagnosed with the flu. According to the doctor’s recommendations, she should rest so that she can recover well. Therefore, the shows that would take place on July 7th, 8th and 9th have been cancelled.”

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