Johnny Depp returns to the big screen at the opening

Johnny Depp returns to the big screen at the opening of the Cannes Film Festival

The film Jeanne du Barry, directed by Maïwenn and marking Johnny Depp’s big screen return, will open the Cannes Film Festival on May 16 and open simultaneously in French cinemas, organizers announced on Wednesday.

The sixth feature film by the 46-year-old French actress and director (“Polisse”, Jury Prize 2011, “Mon Roi”, “ADN”) will be projected on the screen of the Grand Lumière Theater “after the ceremony”. Opening broadcast live on France Télévisions and Brut,” writes the festival in a press release.

Jeanne du Barry is “the life, rise and fall of King Louis XV’s favourite.” dedicated”, played by Maïwenn himself. Johnny Depp embodies the French sovereign and gives the answer to French actors like Pierre Richard, Benjamin Lavernhe or India Hair.

Johnny Depp returns to the big screen at the opening of the Cannes Film Festival


The film will mark his big return to the big screen following the widely acclaimed legal soap opera in which he faced off against his former wife Amber Heard amid allegations of domestic violence and then mutual accusations of defamation.

From “Las Vegas Parano” to “Pirates of the Caribbean”, Johnny Depp, 59, has appeared several times in Cannes, where he presented his own directorial film “The Brave” in 1997.