Joining Clemente is Miss Puerto Ricos roommate

Joining Clemente is Miss Puerto Rico’s roommate

SAN SALVADOR, EL SALVADOR.-There are only a few days left until then Miss Universe 2023 and the contestants are already in El Salvador, which this year is the headquarters of the long-awaited beauty pageant.

Ms. Honduras, Zuheilyn Clementearrived in the neighboring country on Friday and in the hotel on Saturday, where all the missed shots are concentrated.

After a few hours, we learned that Zu, as called out of affection, is the roommate of Miss Puerto Rico, Karla Guilfú.

Before mentioning his partner, Zu took a moment to thank everyone: “Thank you for the affection, thank you for the love, thank you for the trust you have shown me. I couldn’t have done it without each of you, the driving force of my everyday life.”

The beautiful Catracha posted some stories on her social media where she seemed excited about who her “roommate” (roommate) would be and posted a poll about who her followers thought she was.

Although she hasn’t confirmed who it is, the official Miss Universe pages started sharing who her housemates are.

The gift Zu Clemente received upon his arrival in El Salvador

In her stories, Zu shared how she was welcomed at the headquarters hotel in El Salvador, where all participants received a small gift from President Nayib Bukele.

As seen in the Catracha stories, they received a welcome box with a thermal glass, coffee, face masks and a beautiful necklace with the name of the host country.

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Journalist is a graduate of UNAH. During his time at El Heraldo in the printing press, he specialized in health and education. Since 2018, he has led strategies, multimedia specials and new narratives for audiences in the US at the digital table.