If King Charles also slips on the form Italian

Jolanda, the lesson (not only social)

Jolanda, the daughter of Ambra Angiolini and Francesco Renga, responded to cyberbullying with a video on TikTok of rare sensitivity and wisdom: Hi, it’s me, Jolanda, the ugly daughter… With disturbing words, Jolanda wanted to respond to the many comments from those who have started to insult her and consider her not as beautiful as her parents: my soul is much more important to me than my face, my looks, because that won’t last forever.

How is it possible that offensive language represents the power of social media? Where does so much derogatory competence come from? Hatred grows through a kind of destructive self-immolation, giving rise to malevolent lust. Contempt is the only weapon the underdog has to make his superiority felt: I don’t insult you for who you are, but because your seeming joy makes me even more miserable than I am.

It is not enough to argue that we hate someone because in their likeness we hate something that is within us. Yes, what about us does not excite us but to become better for ourselves and in front of those who know us, enough to ward off the blows of those who bring us into disrepute?

Hate on social media is a war between losers, but there’s the drama of stupidity to contend with. It existed before social media, it spread with social media.

December 18, 2022, 07:49 – edit December 18, 2022 | 07:50
