1705344866 Jonathan Drouin lives again in the colors of the Colorado

Jonathan Drouin lives again in the colors of the Colorado Avalanche and with his great partner in crime Nathan MacKinnon

Jonathan Drouin put his skates back on the ice at the Bell Centre, albeit in a different uniform than the Canadian's. He wore the royal blue of the Colorado Avalanche.

Drouin couldn't have chosen a better time to return to Montreal, the city where he played his last six seasons in the NHL. By his own admission, he is probably playing the best hockey of his career. He's having happy days with 16 points (7 goals, 9 assists) in his last 15 games.

Jonathan Drouin lives again in the colors of the Colorado Avalanche and with his great partner in crime Nathan MacKinnon

Photo agency QMI, JOEL LEMAY

After a quiet start to the season, Drouin came out of his shell and gained the trust of Jared Bednar. He has also played more than 21 minutes in his last 7 games.

“I feel comfortable,” Drouin said in a corner of the opposing team’s small locker room at the Bell Center. It helps when you play with people like that [Nathan] MacKinnon and [Mikko] Rantanen. I know I can occasionally earn points without doing much. But I like the way I'm playing hockey lately. I'm getting good playing time and the coach trusts me. He likes my game and I like my game. There are games where I played for 25 minutes. It's rare that you succeed in this. When the coach gives it to you, you want to give it to him.”

Jonathan Drouin lives again in the colors of the Colorado Avalanche and with his great partner in crime Nathan MacKinnon

Photo agency QMI, JOEL LEMAY

Overcome shyness

Drouin was acquired for a pittance on the free agent market (1 year and $825,000) and needed time before getting started with the Avalanche. He only had 8 points (3 goals, 5 assists) after 26 games and had watched 2 games from the stands.

“I think I was embarrassed at first,” Number 27 admitted. “We used that word [gêne]. Nathan told me about it. You come to a new place and you want to be a good person, make the right pass and make the right plays. Now I'm at the point where I play my style. I make my decisions and live with the decisions I make. We can make mistakes and we have the right to do so. I don't have to clear the puck deep in the goal crease. We have the right to play hockey. The coach agrees to this.

“I hit my shots, I take my chances,” he continued. I try not to make too many passes. When you receive passes from Makar or MacKinnon, it's often because you have a chance to score after the fact. They will find you at the right time. I try to take my shots when it's time. I also had a really good summer training, I didn't have any problems. I reap the rewards.”

Jonathan Drouin lives again in the colors of the Colorado Avalanche and with his great partner in crime Nathan MacKinnon

Photo agency QMI, JOEL LEMAY


Sitting a few lockers away from Drouin in the opposing team's locker room, MacKinnon talked about his former teammate's development with the Halifax Mooseheads.

“I’m so happy for him,” MacKinnon said. You know, he got off to a slow start. He will be the first to recognize it. But the last two months he's been great. And the numbers follow. He seems very happy to me. He is always in a good mood, having fun and is loved by his teammates. To play well you have to feel good mentally. Therefore, it makes sense to believe that he is spiritually liberated.”

Drouin also found a more anonymous life in the mountains of Colorado.

Jonathan Drouin lives again in the colors of the Colorado Avalanche and with his great partner in crime Nathan MacKinnon

Getty Images via AFP

“When I’m in the supermarket, I don’t really get recognized or looked at,” he replied, smiling. Things are different in Denver. It remains a hockey town, but there are also several sports. It's fun to come back here to Montreal, but life is different there.

“As far as hockey goes, I said it when I signed, but it's an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I play for a good team with players who are in the top five or ten in the NHL, like Nate, Mikko and Makar.

Drouin bet on him with a small contract and he is on track to win his bet.