Milei reacts to the demonstrations with police repression. History in Argentina shows that this does not end well. Presidents who did not understand the nature of the protests eventually left government. It takes Milei a while to understand his challenge. He inherited a divided country with a very serious crisis.
Milei didn't have carte blanche to do whatever she wanted. He's not exactly a president; He became a crisis manager. Milei provokes the legislature, which must approve the measures he decides, and responds to the demonstrations with a decisive hand instead of giving a more reassuring speech. He has a crisis to solve and is handling it inappropriately. Josias de Souza, columnist at UOL
Stories: Haddad suggested going to Campos Neto for Lula's meeting
Fernando Haddad was behind Roberto Campos Neto's trip to the endofyear meeting organized by Lula. Columnist Tales Faria noted that the Finance Minister had suggested to the President that he invite the Central Bank President to a barbecue in Granja do Torto, where there was a harmonious atmosphere.
It was Haddad who suggested to Lula that Campos Neto go to this barbecue. I asked Haddad himself if he actually suggested this, and he neither confirmed nor denied it. That's the climate there. Lula not only invited Campos Neto, but also treated him very well. All three sides won. Tales Faria, UOL columnist