Journalist resigns after receiving a pay rise

Journalist resigns after receiving a pay rise

Carla Cecato gives up her retirement and returns to present Linha de Frente at Jovem Pan

Carla Cecato gives up her retirement and returns to present Linha de Frente at Jovem Pan

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/@carlacacato

The journalist Carla Cecato takes command of Jovem Pan’s program Linha de Frente this Monday, 3. The former anchor of Record had resigned two weeks ago because he did not want to participate in a daily program. But she gave up on leaving the company after renegotiating a contract and getting a raise.

The backandforth began on the 20th when Carla Cecato took to social media to announce her departure from Jovem Pan, stating that she was employed two days a week and the network wanted her to host shows every day.

Despite the statement that “it was not worth it”, the journalist did not close the doors of the company: “I will no longer work at Jovem Pan for the time being, I hope to return soon.” Carla received values ​​related to In den weekly shows she directed and aired daily, she was renegotiated and given a raise, Notícias da TV reported.

The journalist began acting on Jovem Pan in July with two weekly shows. Alongside Linha de Frente, a competitor of Estúdio i, from GloboNews, Carla replaced Antonia Fontenelle on the talk show JP Sunday night.

Actress and digital influencer Antonia Fontenelle had distanced herself from running as a federal deputy for Rio de Janeiro in the elections. She wasn’t elected.

Who is Carla Cecato?

Last year, Carla Cecato was fired from Record TV after 16 years at the station. She began working as a reporter around the house and participated in several programs. In 2009 he began to moderate the daily newspaper Fala Brasil in the morning.

Over the years, the journalist has been involved controversy over their positions. In 2020, netizens accused her of imputing the victim’s guilt in the case of Robinho, who had been convicted of involvement in a rape case against a woman in a nightclub in Italy.

In June of this year, already at Jovem Pan, the journalist made one wrong statement that Jair Bolsonaro’s (PL) government has stopped investing funds in television channels. At the time, the video in which Carla Cecato made misleading claims went viral on social media.

However, after verifying the information, the government spent at least BRL 258 million on television advertising between January 2019 and June 2022, according to Secom (Special Secretariat for Social Communications).

In August, during a program, presenters of Jovem Pan chatted live while commenting on a statement by former President Lula (PT), the current presidential candidate, that the MST (Landless Rural Workers Movement) is the largest producer of organic rice in the country.

After the bank questioned the accuracy of the information, Carla Cecato ended the discussion saying that she had collected data and such Lula “is unfortunately right”, but that it is necessary to investigate the source of the information: “It says, look: after the Riograndense Rice Institute. You have to see which institute that is,” he added.

The Instituto Rio Grandense do Arroz (IRGA) is a public body whose mission is to promote and coordinate the defense of the production, industry and trade of rice from Rio Grande do Sul. The company also publishes crop analysis, and MST says it is the largest producer of organic, or pesticidefree, rice in Latin America over the past decade.

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