Journey of the Monarch Butterflies | An ultramarathon runner runs from Montreal to Mexico

(Montreal) Running the 4,500-kilometer journey of the monarch butterflies from Canada to Mexico: this is the ambitious project of ultramarathon runner Anthony Battah, who will start his gigantic journey on July 29th.

Posted yesterday at 3:58pm.


Coralie Laplante The Canadian Press

The lawyer-by-law will walk an average of 50 kilometers per day for 90 days to track the monarch butterfly’s migration route from Montreal to Mexico.

Why accept such a challenge? Inspiring people to take “action” to protect the environment and biodiversity.

The monarch is an endangered species whose populations in North America “have experienced a significant decline in recent years,” Environment Canada’s website reads.

“I have the ability to run very long distances. I came across the monarch’s story which touched me. He’s the ultra marathoner par excellence, he’s run that distance every year for a very long time,” says Mr. Battah.

I saw this as an opportunity to challenge myself, but also to inspire people through this challenge to do something in their field of activity or interest.

Anthony Battah

The ultramarathoner hopes to arrive in the Michoacán region of Mexico around November 1st. This is an area where the monarch butterfly spends the winter.

Journey of the Monarch Butterflies An ultramarathon runner runs


Anthony Battah

Mr. Battah expects his journey to be slowed down at times due to weather conditions, his physical condition or to ensure the well-being of his family. He is accompanied by his partner and his 10-year-old daughter Laurence.

The runner project launches “two calls to action”. “The first is to protect or create habitats for the monarch. It’s simple: we plant milkweed, a native plant and the host plant of the monarch butterfly. It’s the only plant it can reproduce and feed on,” explains Mr. Battah.

The second is a fundraiser. He hopes to raise $4.5 million to help protect the monarch butterfly. The prize pool is currently close to $18,000.

Planned stops, others improvised

Anthony Battah’s departure for “Ultra-Trail Monarque” takes place on Saturday, July 29th at 9am at the Montreal Insectarium. The public is invited to the event and those who wish can walk part of Mr Battah’s first day’s route.

Those who wish can arrive on site from 7:30 a.m. A yoga class is offered free of charge.

Representatives from the City of Montreal and the government of Quebec are also expected.

The first day of the marathon runner will end in the municipality of Vaudreuil, where an event will be organised. During his trip, Mr. Battah planned several stops in different cities. However, since several unforeseen events can occur, it is difficult for him to ensure his presence. Many stops are therefore improvised.

To prepare for this challenge, Mr. Battah surrounded himself with professionals including trainers, a psychologist, a doctor and a chiropractor. He has been training for this particular project for a year.

“I want us to do something meaningful to protect biodiversity and the environment,” he says. If I am able to walk 4500 kilometers to get to the center of Mexico, it is certain that everyone will have the opportunity to take a small step more than before to gather their strength. »

This show was produced with financial support from the Meta Exchange and The Canadian Press for News.