Jovanotti and rehabilitation after the accident It could take months

Jovanotti and rehabilitation after the accident: “It could take months to walk without crutches”

A smiling photo next to his dog to inform about his health after the bicycle accident in the Dominican Republic in which he suffered several broken bones. Between one rehabilitation session and the next, Jovanotti is at home with his family and addresses his fans with a message on Facebook.

“Home! Three days at home before I leave for Forlì where I do physiotherapy followed by Fabrizio Borra who works hard to keep my tone and neuromuscular function active. When (I don’t know when yet, it could be months last) I’m starting to do without it. With the crutches I will have a good basis to recover and be able to walk, cycle and (for me) above all be on stage again. A little progress per day, and every time I pass my house I find a reason to be grateful. My old Otto is full of suffering, but he seems to know everything about me and won’t let me go for a moment when I come back. Full speed ahead!” .

The fall in mid-July, in which the singer suffered a broken collarbone and a broken femur in several places, therefore requires a long recovery. But Jova, as can be seen from the message, does not lose his determination and good mood. In Instagram stories and on TikTok he then shows the demanding physiotherapy sessions to get the body going again.