Jovanottis drama quotWrong operation now I have a shorter legquot

Jovanotti’s drama: "Wrong operation, now I have a shorter leg"

Cortona (Arezzo), September 13, 2023 – “Incorrect operation, I have a shorter leg now“. Jovanotti Let’s talk about the bad again Bicycle accident in Santo Domingo and he does it on Radio 2, on the show It’s Not a Country for Young People. “It’s not like they did the operation (in the Dominican Republic, editor’s note) that well.” Femur They forgot to realign it and now I have one leg shorter than the other.” Lorenzo confessed to hosts Massimo Cervelli and Tommaso Labate, with whom he then joked: “As I said, I’m not the last one to have a shorter leg has.” of the other and so I remember Garrincha and Pantani, so at least I’m in good company 4 or 5 months on crutchesAnd in fact the next tour, planned for 2024, could be in danger of being postponed: “I think we won’t make it to the announced dates: I’m waiting for the x-ray at the beginning of October.” and then we’ll see; Now I play sitting down, a bit like my friend Ben Harper Even though I don’t like the idea of ​​doing it live. “For me, music is movement,” said the artist from Cortona.

But as we know, Jova is a born optimist and he has proven that day after day over the last few months: Ever since he was lying on the asphalt after what he calls a “really bad fall,” he pulled out his cell phone and… delivered the message the news to his followers, always with a smile on his face, which he maintained day after day in all the video updates uploaded on social media. “Yes, It really could have been worse and then I’m someone who tends to downplay and read the opportunities that come my way. Now I have to stop and do physical therapy. A big break. I need to exercise my muscles.” “I had a really terrible fall. “I hurt terribly, my foot was broken, my thigh bone exploded,” the pop singer remembers of that cursed July 16th, when he crashed at full speed into a bump that he had not seen, in the middle of the typical sugar cane landscape. the day after the operation and then after a few weeks in August the return to Italy: first the stay in Forlì, from Physiotherapist Fabrizio Borraand then returned to his Cortona, the house with the capital C, two months after the accident. “A little progress a day, and every time I walk past my house I find a reason to be grateful,” said Jova to fans on his Instagram wall.