1695432992 Juan Carlos I will attend the family celebration of the

Juan Carlos I will attend the family celebration of the swearing in of the Constitution of the Princess of Asturias on October 31st

Juan Carlos I will attend the family celebration of the

King Emeritus Juan Carlos I will be present on October 31 for the oath of the Constitution through his granddaughter, Princess of Asturias Leonor de Borbón. It will not be at the institutional event that will take place in the Congress Hall, but at the private family celebration that will take place in the afternoon at the El Pardo Palace.

The Royal House confirmed this Friday that the heir to the throne, Leonor de Borbón, will swear in the Constitution on October 31, the day she comes of age, in a solemn session of the Congress and the Senate at the Palace of the Cortes of the Carrera de San Jerónimo in Madrid. The date was confirmed in a meeting held this Thursday at the initiative of the President of the Congress, Francina Armengol, and attended by the President of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, as well as representatives of the Government and La Zarzuela.

After the event at the Congress, Leonor de Borbón will travel to the Royal Palace to receive the necklace of the Order of Charles III in a solemn ceremony in the presence of representatives. – the princess already has the Golden Fleece – the high powers of the state, who will then take part in a lunch offered by the kings.

After the institutional events at the Congress and the Royal Palace, as La Zarzuela reports, a private family event will be held at El Pardo Palace, which will be attended by the Royal Family, the King’s Family and the Queen’s Family of the King Emeritus, since August 2020 expatriated in Abu Dhabi. This will be the first event of the Royal Family that Juan Carlos I will attend since his departure from Spain, although he has already made three private visits and is due to make his fourth visit next week, always with the aim of taking part in regattas in the Sanxenxo Nautical Club (Pontevedra).

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The swearing-in ceremony of the Princess of Asturias is a symbol of the dynastic continuity of the monarchy. From October 31, when she turns 18, Leonor de Borbón can automatically ascend to the throne if her father is absent; without the intervention of a regency, as is the case during his minority. The uncertain outcome of the elections on July 23 and the risk of a repeat of the election raise doubts about the date of the oath formula, since there is a possibility that the Cortes would be dissolved on October 31, although the date for the investiture was set by Alberto Núñez Feijóo , which will be voted on for the first time on the 27th, guarantees that, in the worst case scenario, the chambers will not be dissolved until the end of November.

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Like his daughter now, Felipe VI. on January 30, 1986, the same day he turned 18 years old. Article 61.2 of the Constitution states that “the Crown Prince shall take the same oath upon attaining his majority.” [desempeñar fielmente sus funciones, guardar y hacer guardar la Constitución y las leyes y respetar los derechos de los ciudadanos y de las comunidades autónomas]as well as allegiance to the King, in the presence of his parents and sisters and the representatives of the high institutions of the State in a joint and solemn session of the Congress and the Senate.

The Princess of Asturias began her military training at the Academy of Zaragoza on September 17 and has already completed the basic module of combatant training, which included ten days of exercises at the neighboring San Gregorio maneuver field (Zaragoza). He is scheduled to swear the flag at a public event at the military training center on October 7, which the royals will attend.

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