1694582422 Juan Reynoso praised Joao Grimaldos daring in his debut quotHe

Juan Reynoso praised Joao Grimaldo’s daring in his debut: "He destroyed the entire Rímac district"

Juan Reynoso praised Joao Grimaldos daring in his debut quotHe

The young striker was coveted by the fans and did not disappoint in his first game with the Blanquirroja, as “Cabezón” noted.

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Joao Grimaldo made his debut with the Peruvian team in the second half of the game against Brazil. The attacker showed poise and was praised by Reynoso in the press conference at the end of the game: “Grimaldo has brought out the entire Rímac district and it is a project that will play in important teams in the short or medium term.”

The Sporting Cristal winger entered the pitch to replace Andy Polo and put in some outstanding performances on the pitch against the Canarinha’s big figures. At 20 years old, the national striker is one of the key figures for the long-awaited generational change in the bicolor for the following qualifying years.