Jugend Eine Welt Important aid shipment arrived in Odessa

Jugend Eine Welt: Important aid shipment arrived in Odessa

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Among other things, the truck delivered an urgently needed ventilator for premature babies | The tense situation in Odessa is clearly noticeable

Vienna (OTS) – The Austrian development organization Jugend Eine Welt has been providing major emergency aid to refugees in neighboring Slovakia, Poland, Romania and the Republic of Moldova, as well as in Ukraine itself since the start of the war in Ukraine. A few days ago, Jugend’s next aid transport arrived One World – supported by the White Cross South Tyrol, the South Tyrolean Doctors for the World and Action Medeor – two children’s hospitals in Odessa. Among other things, the truck brought medicines and vital medical equipment, such as a ventilator for premature babies, to the port city in southern Ukraine.

Relief supplies for children’s hospitals in Odessa

“The nurses on the ward had tears in their eyes when we gave them the much-needed ventilator for premature babies. They were extremely grateful.” Wolfgang Wedan, Jugend Eine Welt’s Emergency Relief Coordinator, who accompanied the relief shipment to Odessa. “Many devices no longer work and there is an increasing lack of intact equipment for routine treatments because repairs cannot be carried out due to a lack of spare parts and qualified personnel,” Wedan provides additional information on the situation at the scene.

Above all, there are medical products such as syringes, disposable cannulas or infusion sets, as well as medicines in general, which are lacking in all Ukrainian hospitals. At the beginning of the war, many Ukrainian companies had to stop producing and selling medicines. Often deliveries are no longer possible due to major road damage. “Our next aid truck is already being planned. A new plasma cleaning device is now the top priority. The existing one is defective, so important treatments for cancer in children cannot be carried out at this time. Also, more ventilators are needed for “premature babies”, so Reinhard Heiserer, Managing Director of Jugend Eine Welt.

Nervousness and tension in Odessa

How uncertain and tense the current situation around Odessa is was evident to Wedan on the trip to the port city. “At one of the numerous checkpoints on the way from the Ukrainian border to Odessa, my companion and I were mistaken for Russian spies. Thank God we finally managed to resolve this precarious situation. However, it took a few hours for us to credibly demonstrate that we are on a humanitarian mission on behalf of Ukrainians for an Austrian aid organization.” “In the days of our delivery of aid, there were new attacks, the population does not rest. The enormous tension between people is massively noticeable.”

Emergency aid and educational offers

In addition to institutions in Ukraine, Jugend Eine Welt has also been supporting war refugees for the past seven months, together with long-standing local project partners, and providing them with beds at Dom Bosco facilities in Slovakia, Poland, Romania, the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Moldova itself. Ukraine, food, transport and psychological support. In addition to emergency aid, the focus is on the integration of refugees into neighboring neighboring countries. In particular, mothers with their children receive support, for example in dealing with the authorities and looking for housing. In addition, a number of language courses and educational opportunities (including distance learning for Ukrainian school children) were created.

Jugend Eine Welt’s central coordination point for emergency aid to Ukraine is located at the Don Bosco site in Chişinău, in the capital of the Republic of Moldova. With Wolfgang Moser, who used to work at the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Martina Sordian, a former project manager for an environmental organization, two retired experts support the Austrian development organization in its work on site as part of the Senior Experts Austria program. by Jugend Eine Welt. “The situation of people in Ukraine is extremely uncertain, nobody knows what the next few months will be like. In addition to medicines, medical devices and products, people in need need warm things like sleeping bags, blankets or mattresses in view of the approaching cold winter. Please continue to give us your active support,” concluded Heiserer. On behalf of Jugend Eine Welt, he asks Austrians for continued generous support through donations.

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