Julia allegedly Madeleine McCann says on TV she was abused

Julia allegedly Madeleine McCann says on TV she was abused and has no birth certificate

Julia (or Madeleine) during an interview on American TV Reproduction/Dr. Phil

Julia Faustinathe 21yearold Polish woman who claims to be Madeleine McCann, is currently in the United States and used his visit to the country to attend the Dr. Phil, one of the sensationmakers on American television. In her interview, which took place this Monday (27), the girl said, among other things, that she was sexually abused as a child by her alleged kidnapper and had no birth certificate.

“About a year ago I searched the internet because I started to think maybe it could be this missing child,” Julia said on the show. “I felt like something was wrong in my life because my mother didn’t hug me, she didn’t tell me she loved me. I found that a bit suspicious.”

Julia (or Madeleine) also says that she started asking her mother to see pictures of her pregnancy and also some documents like the birth certificate. “She always changed the subject,” says the young woman. Julia also revealed that in her country, Poland, all children have a vaccination card detailing the annual doses they have received. According to the young woman, this document does not record the first six years of her life, which would be unusual and would show that she was not part of her family.

Fia Johansson, private investigator, discusses Julia’s case at American TV Reproduction/Dr. Phillip 03/27/2023

Julia went to Dr. Phil is accompanied by Fia Johansson, an alleged private investigator and celebrity adviser working on the case. Fia said she believes her client is in fact the missing girl from 2007 in Portugal, commenting: “It may be difficult to say with 100 per cent certainty, but it is also difficult to be 100 per cent certain Deny.” The detective also revealed that her team was looking for evidence that Julia was her biological mother’s daughter. Therefore, investigators went to three possible hospitals where the girl could have been born, and according to Fia, “there are no records [do nascimento] in these three hospitals”.

It is worth remembering that the Julia’s Polish family has already stated that the girl is in fact her biological daughter, who has a birth certificate and is not Madeleine McCann. “I haven’t seen my certificate or my photos,” Julia said on the show when confronted with her parents’ statements.


The 21yearold Pole also told American television that she has few memories of her childhood, but remembers a beach, the sea, a white building lit by the sun. According to her detective, these images match those of the beach in Portugal where Madeleine and her family were on vacation when the girl mysteriously disappeared. I only remember that in 2007 the scenes from the place where the girl disappeared were widely shared on the Internet and on TV.

In the middle of the interview, Julia said that she was sexually abused as a child by a man named Peter Ney, who was convicted of the crime and is said to be a child trafficker and murderer. The Pole believes that this man is related or related Martin Ney, who killed three minors between 1992 and 2001 and who police believed was also involved in Madeleine’s disappearance, which has never been proven. “When I was little, I saw a picture of a man who looked like Martin Ney.” Detective Fia recently stated that she believes her client was trafficked as a child.

At the end of the interview, the moderator says he knows that Julia’s DNA tests are done to prove if she is the missing girl or not. Doctor Phil asks what the girl will do if the result says she really is her Polish mother’s daughter. The young woman’s answer: “If the test says that my mother is really my mother, I don’t want to have any contact with her. But I don’t think she is.”

Shortly before her 4th birthday, Madeleine McCann disappeared on May 3rd from Praia da Luz, a resort town in the Algarve tourist region where she was vacationing with her family.

The case shocked the whole world at the time and remains unsolved. Shortly before the act was considered statutebarred, the Portuguese public prosecutor introduced a perpetrator.

The man, who is serving a prison sentence in Portugal for raping a 72yearold American woman in 2005, had already been identified by German investigators in 2020 as the prime suspect in the British woman’s murder.

Julia Faustyna, 21, continues to take to her social networks to make public her suspicion of being Madeleine McCann, the girl who mysteriously disappeared during a trip to Portugal with her parents in 2007.

The young woman, who currently resides in Poland, has published a series of posts revealing the reasons that lead her to believe that she is the one the police have been looking for for the past 16 years. She points out physical similarities and moments in her life that coincide with the investigation.

Assembly/R7, with EFE/EPA/Luis Forra; Play/Instagram/@iammadelemccan

The first reason Julia mentions is that she was the victim of a pedophile of German origin. According to her, the man who committed the sexual abuse resembles one of the portraits that police have released as a suspect in Madeleine’s kidnapping.

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She tells the publication that she confronted the perpetrator two weeks ago. The man would have been nervous and would have responded with slaps in the face, behavior that Julia considered suspicious and that would support her thesis.

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Julia also claims that the suspect and the perpetrator are not only of German origin, but also have the same surname. What would indicate that it is the same person?

The main suspect in Madeleine’s disappearance is German Christian Brueckner, but there have been no formal charges.

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The young German added to the list of main evidence a sign that Madeleine had in one of her eyes. She explains in the publication that her mark has disappeared but she will be going to the doctor to confirm the theory.

A photo posted on the Instagram profile attempts to compare the two’s irises

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In the list she published, Julia claims that she and Madeleine have the same eye, face and lip shape

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Another point she usually mentions is the similarity between the smiles. The distance between her front teeth would be an indication that she is Madeleine

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She also compares her smile to Madeleine’s mother’s.

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The Instagram profile, which has nearly 400,000 followers, has several photos that Julia posted to prove her resemblance to British couple Kate and Gerry McCann

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In a post three days ago, Julia says someone noticed that she and Madeleine have the same mole near her left eye. To her, this is another clue that she would be the missing girl.

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She emphasized a dimple on her left cheek as another match between her looks and Madeleine’s.

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Julia tries to get in touch with Madeleine’s parents and says that she wants to take a DNA test to prove if she is McCann’s daughter or not. She says she has already contacted the English and Polish police but has been ignored.

Despite the large number of people following her profile on Instagram, many comment that they don’t believe she is Madeleine McCann

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The fallout from the case prompted the young woman’s mother to come forward and say her daughter needs psychiatric help. Julia responded by saying that she could make a doctor’s appointment but she knew she wasn’t sick.

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