June 26 horoscopes can be a bit sad for 3

June 26 horoscopes can be a bit sad for 3 zodiac signs

Here’s an interesting transit for an interesting day. It’s June 26th, 2023 and we are working with the strange energy of the Mars square Uranus transit. This will affect us, especially the three zodiac signs, because we feel that we do not fit in today. We see ourselves as misfits, outliers, misfits, or misfits. We don’t necessarily think being an underdog is a bad thing.

We still believe in ourselves, but circumstances show that whatever we do and wherever we go, we don’t feel that we belong. And what’s even more interesting is that we might not want to “belong”. In Mars-Uranus square, we don’t mind being different, although we feel it, and humans are humans, well, they don’t always welcome what is different.

Unfortunately, what we have to watch out for is that while we casually realize how different we are, we may be making efforts to be accepted, and thereby potentially creating an actual physical consequence. This means that today is a day when accidents can happen. It’s an accident-prone day, but don’t let these words become an epiphany. Just consider that the square between Mars and Uranus tends to create situations where accidents can easily happen. That’s why today we pay attention to the feeling of being an outsider and the conditions under which accidents can happen. That’s a lot of vigilance folks… take care today!

Three zodiac signs must search for such a cosmic “answer”. Remember that the main reason for every accident on this day is hasty decisions or impulsive reactions. Try to keep your cool and move on. Don’t rush anything. Which zodiac signs will be most affected by Mars square Uranus on June 26, 2023?

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes for June 26th:

1. Aries

(March 21 – April 19)

You already think you’re the “one of a kind,” and while you certainly have what it takes to show that you’re unique in all the right ways, today could be one of those days when you feel more like an outsider than feel like a unique wonder of the world.

During Mars square Uranus on June 26, 2023, you feel like you’re not wanted anywhere, and while you’re not exactly being told you’re unwanted, you “believe” you sense a vibe that tells you so that “your people” don’t really want you today.

The other side of the story is that in the Mars square Uranus age you are a little “too much” because your energy is so hyperactive and impulsive that you make others nervous around you. Usually you can channel your wild energy into something productive, but on this day you may break something – and people around you will feel it.

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2. Sagittarius

(November 22 – December 21)

Today gives you a distinct feeling of being an outcast, even if you are the outcast. You like being different. It’s a point to be proud of. “Look, I don’t fit in! I’m here like no one else!” It’s all good because you’re usually free to move around if you think you’re someone who doesn’t fit in. One prefers that. However, on June 26, 2023 you WANT to fit into Mars square Uranus and will not be able to.

There are things in this life that require you to act “like everyone else,” and while this disturbs you deeply, you also know when to rebel or conform. Today you must adapt, and you will try and fail. You’re too self-absorbed today to get out of your head, and that could lead to further isolation — of a kind you really don’t want.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20 – February 18)

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You would be the first to admit that you are a unique and individual character, but you don’t always like being outside of things. You would like to be there on June 26, 2023; But while Mars squares Uranus, you can’t join in the fun. Well, it’s not like anyone’s stopping you, but a sense of inexperience fills your mind.

You may feel that your uniqueness has replaced your real life experiences in that there is more to life that simply expresses that you are different. You’ve claimed that title enough times to identify with it, but on that day you may regret how much time you spent on yourself and not actually living “among the people.” You will feel fear that day.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.