June follows a disappointing trend in Quebec

June follows a disappointing trend in Quebec

Posted May 17, 2023 at 8:26 p.m.

June is acting strange in Quebec. Explanations.

June disappoints the summer

Since 2010 Quebec has been able to enjoy beautiful hot summers. In fact, it’s 9-13 for the entire season. However, June doesn’t always set the tone. The month was seven times below normal. Also, if you look at the summers since 1990, June has lagged behind in half the time.

“The expectations for the pace in June are very justified, estimates the meteorologist Réjean Ouimet. This month is extremely important in setting the tone for the summer season. In fact, when cool-leaning weather becomes too severe, it is more difficult to fully reverse this regime afterwards. »


Repeated heat

When the early heat in June occurs again and again from year to year, it changes our perception. There have only been two occasions since 2010: 2011 and 2012, then 2020 and 2021. Otherwise, the warm months have been isolated.

“In the last decade, ie in the years 2000 to 2010, we had a series of four warmer June months from 2005 to 2008,” continues Réjean Ouimet. However, this did not prevent the summer of 2008 from living up to expectations. »

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early and late

The past three decades have seen an early trend in the onset of summer conditions in June compared to the previous three decades. In fact, in Montreal, as in Val-d’Or, we won almost a week. However, this situation seems to contradict this statement: the month was late half the time.

“Since 2010, summer conditions have become clearer six times on June 15 or later,” explains Réjean Ouimet. This is a lag compared to the current average. The month of June often left us unsatisfied and gave us a hesitant start to the summer.

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In collaboration with meteorologists Réjean Ouimet and Patrick Duplessis.

ALSO SEE: A snowman in mid-May