1697183302 Juraj Slafkovsky Its good and encouraging says Martin St Louis

Juraj Slafkovsky: “It’s good and encouraging,” says Martin St-Louis

The word “progression” describes the Canadian’s main goal for the 2023-2024 season. Before the victories, Kent Hughes, Jeff Gorton and Martin St-Louis want to see improvement on an individual and collective level.

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With one short game on the schedule, a 6-5 shootout loss to the Maple Leafs in Toronto, we’ll be cautious before moving on to any major analysis. But among the encouraging elements is the playing of Juraj Slafkovsky.

“The year is young, but what we are seeing in the last two or three weeks is good and encouraging,” St-Louis said. On Wednesday Juraj played an excellent game. For all young people we must look for consistency.”

On the right wing of the second line with Kirby Dach and Alex Newhook, Slafkovsky made his presence felt against the Leafs by positioning himself in front of the opponent’s net, recovering pucks in the opponent’s territory and creating scoring opportunities. He recorded one assist, distributed three goals and attempted six shots (one on goal) in a playing time of 15 minutes and 25 seconds.

The best in class in the 2022 auction played a first game like a big draft pick.

“I feel better on the ice, I skate better and I feel stronger in my fights against the boards,” summarized the Slovakian after an off-ice training session in Brossard on Thursday. Overall it’s better. I’m also a little lighter. I probably position myself better on the ice. But I still need to work on this aspect of positioning.

In his second season in Montreal, Arber Xhekaj, like Slafkovsky, wanted to encourage his good friend in the team’s return to Montreal.

“I told him on the plane last night that I saw a difference in his game,” the 22-year-old defender said. I took the time to tell him I was proud of him. He has already taken a big step this year. Yes, it was just one game and before that it was the preparation plan, but you can already see that he is going better and is even more committed. He wants to improve.”

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Gradual integration

There is no magic formula for a young player. Even less so for a 19-year-old striker. In Slafkovsky’s case, St-Louis chose a soft tactic.

“Juraj, we have been together for over a year. “Last year I trained him, but not much,” said St-Louis. I didn’t want to smother him, I wanted to build a relationship to gain his trust.”

“This year I sat down with Slaf,” he continued. We take one bite at a time. But you can see that he takes it in and wants it. I didn’t give him the whole book. One chapter at a time. He is close to the puck, he has physical contact. In the end he will be rewarded.”

Juraj Slafkovsky Its good and encouraging says Martin St Louis

Archive photo, Martin Chevalier

St-Louis appeared animated as he spoke about his young charge’s listening skills.

“He’s hungry for improvement, he’s hungry for his success, but also hungry for the team’s success. He has great qualities.”

In the Habs locker room the day after that first game of the year, Slafkovsky also talked about his relationship with his coach.

“I have spoken to Martin more than once this year,” he replied with a smile. We’re talking about hockey. He shows me videos. But I will keep our conversations private. He lets me play, he gives me a certain freedom, but I also have to respect the way our team plays. I have to pay attention to details.”

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