Jurgen Klopp and the tense moment he experienced when he

Jürgen Klopp and the tense moment he experienced when he lost his wedding ring after Liverpool's win

Jurgen Klopp and the tense moment he experienced when he

Jürgen Klopp He gave us a really strange moment after Liverpool's win against Newcastle in the Premier League. The German coach was leaving the stadium when he realized he didn't have his wedding ring. Were you able to find it?

Jürgen Klopp loses his wedding ring after Liverpool's win

Jürgen Klopp He is one of the coaches who live every football game with great passion and emotion. On this occasion, unfortunately He spent several minutes in fear after losing his engagement ring on the Anfield pitch.

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As usual, the coach left the stadium applauding the fans after the 4-2 win against the Magpies. However, he realized he didn't have his ring and paused for a moment to look for it.

He even asked a security guard for help. After a while, Klopp found his ring, picked it up and kissed him in front of the camera, which captured the tense moment.

It is not the first time that Jürgen Klopp has lost his ring

After this unique scene, Jürgen Klopp He spoke to Sky Sports and revealed that it was the second time he had lost this symbolic object, as the first time he had to look for it underwater.

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It would have been terrible. I lost it at sea once and needed a professional diver. I was very scared, but it's back“Commented the German, who was also happy about his players' victory as it means they remain the only leaders in the Premier League.